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I couldn't believe I hadn't considered the possibility of bringing Sakutaro back earlier. My thought process went something like this:

I'm a doctor. I work in a hospital so often, and I know how things work. I also dabble in some chemistry... It'll just take some research and experimentation until I get it right! Not only could it bring Sakutaro back to me... it could be helpful to millions of people... I could even trademark it.

I decided, right then and there, that I would somehow find a way to resurrect the dead.

My mind could only think of one major complication:

Sakutaro didn't even die in this plane... and I can't go to where he died. How do I work with that?

I had to shake off the negative thought and label it as a "minor setback", otherwise my motivation would dissipate.

To put it simply, it was time to get to work.

A/N: I know this part is shorter, but it's on purpose. This just explains his initial thought process. Later on, he'll get more into the science stuff. Thanks for reading!

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