...It Worked!

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The smile on my face happened without any conscious effort. I felt so happy, I was on the verge of tears. He stayed where he was, but I approached him and hugged him.

Then the verge vanished, and I couldn't help but cry.

"...Sakutaro... I'm sorry..."

From my peripheral vision, I saw his eyes narrow at me. He didn't seem as happy or excited as me.

"...Oh, really? Dad, let go of me. Please."

I reluctantly obliged, and prayed he would listen to what I had to say. I had to tell him everything... or it would've been for nothing.

"Okay. I let go of you. Now, will you do me a favor and listen to me?"

"...Why? Aren't I supposed to be dead?"

I sighed and nodded. He was completely aware that he had died... interesting.

"...Yes, but..."

Sakutaro crossed his arms and continued his narrow-eyed glare, but nodded.

"You have a minute. I'm watching the wall clock. Go."

I took a deep breath to collect my thoughts, and spoke as honestly as possible.

"...I know I've made mistakes, alright? I wasn't the father to you I should have been... But... I tried. I really did. You were such a fragile child, Sakutaro, and... I'm a pediatrician. I spend almost my whole day treating children. I suppose it's just a natural approach for me. I never really thought about how it would make you feel... even though I know that isn't how it should be done. I just... always worried about your health, both physical and mental. I wanted you to be happy and healthy. More than anything... but... you were still depressed, weren't you? Don't lie to me, because... I know what happened, and... I spent years trying to find a way to bring you back... and it worked. And I'm happier than I could ever be..."

Sakutaro had watched and listened carefully, but never spoke a word. He eyed the clock, and looked back at me.

"Time's up, Doctor."


He went quiet again, and looked at his feet. He looked around the room, and examined me.

"...This is real, isn't it? I'm... somehow alive? I shouldn't be, Dad. I shouldn't be alive. Last time I checked, I was the one who decided to die, anyway. Why would you bring me back when... I don't deserve it?"

I smiled at him and shook my head.

"...That's not how I see it. I... I blame myself for it..."

"...Dad, I understand, and... thank you. I... I'm sorry for never trying to see anything from your perspective. It made me close minded, which I despise..."

He smiled at me for the first time in years.

"...So, what's the plan?"

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