No... No No No No No

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"Fukumi! What... What happened?!"

Her eyes were open, and she was breathing... but her breath was slower than it should've been. I knelt down beside her, and looked directly at her.

"Tell me... I want to help you!"

She smiled a little and hardly managed to shake her head.

"...You can't. He knows..."

I cried so much lately, and this moment continued the cycle. I began crying as I stayed next to her.

"I'm sorry for being angry at you. How could he do such cruel things? And... what did he do to the formula?"

Akamine reached a hand out to me, and I grabbed it and squeezed it.


"...Yes? What is it? Tell me."

Her faint smile stayed on her face, but her color began to fade. Her heartbeat was slowing down, too... I could tell because I used my stethoscope to check.

"...There's... one more thing..."

"Tell me, Fukumi. You... you can tell me anything! Anything at all..."

She tried to muster enough strength to squeeze my hand in return, and she spoke in almost a whisper.


I said nothing as I kept my eyes on her. It was better to not interrupt.

"...L-love... y-you... that's why... why I did it... sorry... I-I'm sorry..."

I think at this point in time, my emotions had been more all over the place than they ever had been before. I felt tears coming, and I choked up while trying to keep them inside. I didn't want her to see me cry at a time like this.

I knew there was something off, but... I never pieced it all together. I was too distracted by everything else to even consider the possibility...

She loved me, and... I loved her, too. The unfortunate part, though... it wasn't the same kind of love. What was I supposed to say? I didn't want to lie to her, but I also didn't want to hurt her... she meant too much to me.


She stopped me when she squeezed my hand again even tighter, and she stopped breathing.

But she never let go of my hand...

I brought her hand closer to my face as my thoughts raced in my head.

Fukumi... I love you so much... but... not like that... what do you want me to tell you? What do you want me to say? Anything... please, tell me... I do love you... you... you're my best friend... almost like family. I love you. I love you...

My thoughts kept going as I stopped moving her hand, and slightly lowered my head. I was silent as I gently pressed my lips to her hand. I didn't know what else to do... but... I felt it conveyed everything I felt all at once.

I love you... and don't worry, he'll pay for this.

I stood up and carefully picked her up. I didn't want Sakutaro or Suzumoto to see me, so I took an alternative exit.

I had to get her out, and then deal with the others.

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