He's Insane!

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Dizziness overcame me within a second. My tired brain couldn't believe it. Yoshinaka wanted to take my place... and he had devised this entire plan to do it. I can't say he didn't think it through, because his plan was truly ingenious, if I may tell you the truth.

That didn't change the fact how furious I felt, though. His plan was extremely shallow, and it angered me. I tried to get up off the floor, but failed miserably due to pain everywhere in my body.

I continued glaring at him.

"That's ridiculous! You went to school to be a nurse! Besides, you're the most famous nurse around. Patients love you... give me a better reason!"

Yoshinaka bent down next to me and shook his head. He grabbed a hold of my wrists and squeezed tightly. Pain shot through my arms, and it somehow made it hard for me to breathe.

"Ack... aghhhh..."

A twisted smile crept onto his face as his blue eyes stared into mine.

"There is no better reason, Doctor. I simply knew I had to create a complex plan to obtain what I desired. You were always so dedicated, such a hard worker. That's why people adored you. They adored your demeanor, too. I always thought 'how can he be so positive all the time? Does this man have no emotion? No regrets or remorse?' You see, I figured out the only way to take you down was by tearing your walls down. One by one."

"...W-what wall...?"

"Heheh. It's a metaphor, of course. The only reason you were so upbeat was because you had walls to lean on when difficulty arose. I learned more about you through observation, Morishige. I learned about your dearly beloved and deceased son... bless his puny little soul. I noticed how close you were to Fukumi, as well... so of course I used that to my advantage. You want to know what I did exactly, Seishirou?"

"...You did it, I know."

"...Not just like that, though. It was my idea, but... she was asking for it."

"What on Earth are you even saying?!"

"She always wore those tight leggings, and I caught her wearing crop tops here in the hospital. She didn't even wear her lab coat. So, I decided to show her what exactly happens when girls wear such inappropriate attire around here."

I felt the rage and fury boil inside of me. I knew what he meant.

He violated her, plain and simple.

I hated him. He was such a spiteful person, I couldn't handle it. He didn't deserve to live... not at all...

"...You bastard. I'll fucking kill you. I will shove this bat right up your skinny little ass, and then we'll see what shit your mouth spews."

Yoshinaka's eyes went wide, but he just laughed again. He found what I said amusing.

"Wow, Doctor. I never knew you were capable of using such profane language!"

"Shut your mouth!"

Suddenly--and almost miraculously--I felt energy return to me, and I stood up and swung the bat at his head. Luckily, I hit him, and he fell to the floor. I didn't think I hit him very hard, but I was proven wrong when I saw him bleeding a little.

He stood back up and the bleeding worsened. I knew he would fight me back. If I could just keep him distracted for a little while, he would faint from blood loss.

That was the plan, and I prayed it would work.

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