It's Not Insane (Pt. 2)

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I was leaving my office to meet up with a coworker of mine to discuss my findings, and I must have been really excited, because I didn't pay attention to where I was going and bumped into someone.

He was younger, definitely in his early twenties. He wasn't overly tall--compared to me, at least--and he appeared to be searching for someone.

"I--I'm sorry! Pardon me..."

The young man just looked up at me and smiled.

"Hey, don't worry about it, Mori--"

I raised my eyebrow. How on Earth did he know my name? I didn't have my ID with me at that moment in time.

"Excuse me?"

He apologetically shook his head, and bowed.

"S-sorry... You just... Look like someone I know... Or knew... Whatever..."

My face softened, and I looked at him, intrigued.

"...Is that so? Wait, don't tell me... Satoshi Mochida, is it?"

"H-how do you know my name?!"

"He took pictures."


"Sakutaro. He left his photo album and everything else behind..."

Suddenly, Mochida's eyes widened, and he started crying.

"Morishige... How...?"

"Hmm... I'm sorry. I'm his father. Here, don't cry. You'll disrupt the patients and doctors... Follow me, and we'll discuss this further."

As I began walking, Mochida followed me without saying anything.

I was going to get answers.

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