Happy Reunions and Sad Truths

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I was about to answer Sakutaro's question when I noticed a smaller body stand up. It was Suzumoto, and she had a huge smile on her face. She stood behind him, and pressed her finger against her lips. I silently acknowledged her, and said nothing. Sakutaro raised a skeptical eyebrow at me as Suzumoto tapped him on the shoulder.

He turned around, and when he saw her, he cried.

"Mayu... Y-you're alive...?!"

Suzumoto giggled and nodded her head.

"Yeah! I see you are, too, Shig!"

Sakutaro didn't hesitate to grab a hold of her, pick her up, and spin her around. I must say... I don't think I ever saw him act like that. It was something to see, I assure you.

"Oh my God... You're alive... Mayu, I'm so sorry. I... I shouldn't have done it. Why did I take those pictures...? They didn't help me, only destroyed me from the inside out."

Mayu frowned and shook her head. She seemed to disagree with him entirely.

"I don't think of it exactly like that. I mean... the circumstances were extremely stressful on a whole new level... you weren't at your best, sure, but... it doesn't matter now, does it?"

Sakutaro didn't put Suzumoto down. Instead, he held her by her legs, and she had her arms around his neck. Anyone could see where this was going.

When they did that, they actually looked the same height.

"...You're right, Mayu. It doesn't matter anymore. We're alive... and I can guarantee you one thing."

"What's that, Shig?"

"...I won't go near any more windows or knives."

Suzumoto smiled and laughed a little. She leaned in a little, and their heads were basically touching.

I won't lie to you. I enjoyed watching them and their reunion, but Akamine--whom I honestly forgot was even there--snapped me out of it when she tugged my sleeve again. What could she have wanted?

I turned around to look at her, and she looked really nervous. I wasn't sure why, and since I finally brought them back, I decided to ask her what was bothering her.

"Fukumi. You've been acting strangely lately. What's wrong?"

She began to crack her fingers and avoided eye contact with me. I had to make her talk to me, and luckily, I knew just how to do it. I gently touched her face and smiled at her.

"Come on. Look at me and tell me."

Sakutaro and Suzumoto were too occupied to notice us leaving the room--because she motioned to leave the room and I followed.

"Seishirou... I've been wanting to tell you something, but..."

"But what?"

"...You seem so happy."

I smiled and nodded. It must have been pretty obvious.

"Of course I am. How could I not be? My son is back... and he's happy."

She nodded slowly, but still didn't look very thrilled. She looked almost... sullen.

"Seishirou. If... if I tell you something you won't like, will you hate me?"

"That's ridiculous. Of course not, Fukumi. I would never hate you. After all, you've always been there to help me."

"Okay... so..."

Akamine continued talking while cracking her fingers.

"The formula... Masami... he tampered with it."

My eyes widened.


"...Actually, to be more exact... I tampered with it."

I felt my whole entire body get hot, and smoke must have been coming out of my ears. Never in my life had I felt so angry at another person. A traitor.

She used me.

"...Get out of here."

"...Listen to me! I wanted to tell you sooner, but... he threatened me. I didn't even want to... he made me. Seishirou. Masami is crazy. He's a madman. He forced me to find a way to tamper with your formula, or... he threatened to kill you. I... I couldn't handle that... so I agreed to do as he said. He also put a chip in me, and it transmits everything I say to him. He didn't want me to say anything... but I have. I don't have long... but you need to know... Sakutaro and Suzumoto don't have long before... things happen to them..."

Everything she said made my head spin. It was a lot to process all at once, and my emotions took over my rationality. I wasn't mad at her alone anymore. I was furious at Yoshinaka for forcing her to do such a thing. At least do it yourself...

Before I could respond, Akamine collapsed right in front of me.

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