A Not-So-Epic Showdown

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I searched throughout the whole hospital, but didn't see Yoshinaka. On the other hand, I encountered several zombies. Surprisingly, I only had to fight a few of them off--probably because I was extremely skinny, and didn't have much meat on my bones to offer.

After managing to get past the undead people, my sights were on finding Yoshinaka. I hadn't seen him anywhere else, so I decided to go towards my office.

The walk was a struggle, in all honesty. It was a ways away, and I had trouble staying upright. I had to lean against the wall to keep myself from falling over. It worked out in my favor, though, when I actually found him sitting in his room. He was playing around with something and laughing like the madman he was. I felt disgusted by the very sight of him.

I still had my bat in my hand, but... that's all I could handle. He was much more physically capable than me. The chances of me defeating him were slim, but I had to try. The whole situation was my fault, after all.

Yoshinaka turned and saw me, and he just grinned. He carefully examined me, and burst out laughing. I wanted to hit him...

"Ah, Doctor Seishirou Morishige! Long time, no see! My goodness gracious, what has happened to you? Are you here for treatment? If so, I'll be more than happy to assist you."

I glared at him and smacked the bat into my other hand. I wasn't playing around, and I wanted to make that very clear to him.

"I don't need your assistance."

"Are you sure, Doctor? It appears you've starved yourself!"

I didn't say anything else as I walked towards him and attempted to swing. He was quick, though, and grabbed my arm and threw me down.

"AHHHHHH! Yoshinaka... please, stop this! What is it you even want to accomplish? What's the point? You can't be just doing this for your own sick pleasure!"

He nodded as he continued laughing.

"Look at you, being all smart! Of course not... although, that's a major part of it. Listen here, Morishige. I'm tired of seeing people in this hospital take what's mine away from me."

"What are you even talking about?! What belongs to you?!"

"...I wanted to be a doctor... one so successful and popular, just like you... but look. You're dying. It worked. I made it so you gave up and began killing yourself! Don't worry... once you die, I'll bring these patients back, and I'll take your place!"


A/N: Dun dun dun.

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