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I spent days cooped up inside of my bedroom, and I rarely moved. To be honest, I didn't eat or drink nearly enough, and I was weakening more and more every day. I couldn't have cared less, though... if it killed me, so what? I didn't think I deserved to live, anyway.

Eventually, though... something happened. Something horrible.

I was sitting on my bed and staring at the wall when I heard scraping noises coming from outside. There was a window in my bedroom, and I looked towards it, and noticed it was stained. I must not have paid attention to what happened to it, because I had no clue what it was or how it got there. The scraping sound continued, but I saw nothing touch the glass.

It must be scraping the wall, then.

I stood up, but it was extremely difficult. My body was malnourished, and I felt too weak and tired to do anything about it. Luckily, I made myself go far enough to open the window and look outside.

It was dark, so it must have been nighttime. The wind was blowing and leaves on the trees were rustling. It was raining a little, too, but it was nothing too dangerous. It wasn't the weather that was making the noise, I concluded. It was another force at hand.

I leaned out the window more to extend my body so I could see more, and I noticed figures walking towards the house. They were dark and slow, and they weren't speaking normally.

I knew what it was, and I wanted to scream. I thought I finally was able to be done with them, but I was wrong. It wasn't over...

The zombies...

As they got closer, I noticed they weren't the same people as before. Most of them I didn't recognize, but there was one I knew.


I didn't understand why she was a zombie at first, but my memories flooded my mind, and I remembered how Suzumoto bit her dead body.

This wasn't good. I had to do something to get rid of the zombies, but I didn't know what to do. I was no longer in control... Yoshinaka was. He had the power to keep making more and more zombies, and I never even bothered to try to make a reversal.

I considered how I probably should begin trying, but to me, there was no hope. After all, it took five years to even make the formula correctly, and what happened? It was ruined. The hard work was for nothing. It made everything worse. Even if I could make a reversal in time, Yoshinaka would find a way to tamper with it and make it ineffective... or even use it to make the zombies stronger.

What was I supposed to do?

I didn't even want to do anything, but as I closed and locked the window, I thought of something.

I was giving up... quitting. I was proving to be a bigger failure than I thought, and I angered myself.

Don't be a quitter, Seishirou. None of them would want you to keep doing nothing. You... you have to do something! Anything! Just don't give up yet.

I heard faded moans, and I knew that meant the zombies were getting closer. I could only think of one idea, but it was better than nothing. I quickly searched my bedroom and found the emergency baseball bat I kept underneath my bed. Don't ask.

I was too weak to run, but I managed to walk outside with the bat in my hand, and found my car keys sitting along the fence. I picked them up and hit the unlock button, and approached my car as quickly as I could. I started the engine, and once I could see everything well, I killed the gas pedal and took off much faster than I should've.

"Hospital... have to... make it..."

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