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I hurriedly exited Sakutaro's room and rushed into mine. Kumiko was there, and she looked at me as if I had gone mad.

"Seishirou, what on Earth are you doing?"

I didn't look at her as I reached for my doctor's coat and threw it on.

"Kumiko... Do you know what has happened to Sakutaro?"

"...No... The boy better not have snuck out."

I turned at that moment to face her, and I knew I looked sad, because she slightly tensed up.

"Long story short: he's dead."

Kumiko's eyes went wide in horror, and her face went even paler than it normally is. She froze... and didn't speak for a few minutes.

"...W-what...?! What are you talking about?!"

"I don't have time to explain right now. Just know... suicide. His room has no evidence, though. I promise I'll explain later, but I have to make my way to the hospital."

"Why? Aren't you off today?"

"Technically, I am. But I'm going to do some research and experimenting."

"Seishirou. You aren't a scientist. You're a doctor. Please don't mess around--"

"Nonsense. I'm very well versed in my chemistry. Look. Do you want our son back?"

"...What are you thinking?! You can't bring him back!"

Kumiko immediately approached me, and grabbed a firm hold of my shoulders. Her eyes were looking directly into mine, and they looked beyond serious... but also afraid.

"There are so many things that could go wrong. Isn't it just impossible?"

I smiled a little as I took her hands and moved them away.

"Not if you believe."

She didn't say anything else as I nodded and ran out of the room. I quickly grabbed my keys and took off towards the hospital in a sprint, after locking the house door.

"Hurry... Faster..."

I made it there, and I was extremely hot and sweaty. It didn't get in my way, though, as I started walking to my office, the key to it in my hand.

"This will work. It has to."

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