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I kept walking throughout the hospital with Akamine in my arms, but I didn't make it far before I heard a voice call out for me from behind.

"Something wrong, Dad?"

I turned around to look at Sakutaro and Suzumoto. I must have been red faced and puffy eyed from crying, because Sakutaro came over to me and hugged me. Nothing was said, but I appreciated his actions.

"Sakutaro... everyone I care about keeps dying..."

He let go and backed away so he could look at me. His face showed concern.

"What do you mean by that? I'm back now, aren't I?"

I nodded my head, but looked down at Akamine. I couldn't take it anymore... I was tired of everyone dying... I needed to keep Sakutaro and Suzumoto safe...

Then, the realization about Kumiko came to mind.

"Sakutaro... your mother is dead, too..."

His eyes looked at Suzumoto, then the floor. I couldn't tell exactly how he felt, but he didn't seem to feel extremely happy.

"...O-oh... I..."

I knew I had to keep being serious and straightforward, because at this point, hiding things would be worse than being open.

"And... Fukumi told me my formula was tampered with, and that something will happen to you two. I don't know what'll happen, though... but we need to get you out of here. Suzumoto, you should stay with us for a little while. After all, as far as your parents know, you're dead. And it's not like Kumiko is home to be shocked to death..."

Suzumoto nodded and bowed.

"Thank you, Doctor! I appreciate it!"

I smiled and nodded in return.

"Just try to keep it tame. I know Sakutaro may have trouble with that."

His face turned beet red, and he glared at me. He was so embarrassed, he stuttered when he spoke.

"D-Dad! I-I don't k-know w-what you're... t-talking about!"

I couldn't help but start laughing, and it made me start to feel a bit better. I began walking towards the alternative exit again, and motioned for them to follow me. I didn't want Yoshinaka to see us, because I knew he'd try something dangerous... and I couldn't afford any of those risks.

I opened a door to the hallway, and quickly exited, with both teenagers following closely behind. I scanned our surroundings and didn't see anyone, so I assumed we were in the clear. I was proven wrong, however, when I heard a familiar laugh echo from behind.

"Ah, Morishige... it's so nice to see you again. Who are your young friends here, hmm?"


I said nothing as I heard footsteps approaching, and I knew they could only be his.

"I assume the look alike is your son, and the girl is his 'friend'?"

I felt my eyes narrow and my body tense up... I was angry. He was the cause of my formula being ruined... the cause for Akamine to lie and die...

I turned around to face Yoshinaka and felt my blood boiling.

"Shut up. Shut up shut up shut up SHUT UP! You're a filthy liar... what did you do to her?!"

"Who, Fukumi? Heh... let's just say... it wasn't very hard to manipulate her. I simply used the fact that... we had an affair. She never wanted you to know she was a filthy whore, after all."

I snapped.

"A WHORE?! You're kidding me!"

"What about a slut?"

I looked at Sakutaro and handed him the body before charging at Yoshinaka. I was taller than him, and I tackled him and pinned him to the floor. I spat right next to him.

"Don't you ever talk about her like that, you--"

Yoshinaka just continued laughing.


I didn't know why he was laughing, but I didn't really care, either. I didn't let go of Yoshinaka, but he managed to pull something out of his pocket.

"Were you looking for this?"

It was my formula, but he transferred it to a vaccination needle.

"...Where did you get that?"

He smirked at me and laughed even more.

"Simple. When you were exiting, I entered with my own keys and picked it up, because you left it behind. And... I injected it into someone else, as well."


He said nothing else as I heard moaning and groaning from behind me. I slowly stood and looked in the direction I heard the noises, and Akamine's body was on the floor. Sakutaro and Suzumoto were holding their hands to their heads, as if they were sick. They looked deathly pale, and when they started moving, they were much slower than they should've been.

"What's happening?"

Sakutaro looked at me with dead eyes, and he moaned as he spoke.

"...Daaaaad... Woooon't... Foooorgiiiiiveee..."

I felt chills run down my spine as he began walking towards me, and his movements were abnormal. His legs were more spread apart, and he looked like he was limping.

"Sakutaro... what's wrong?"

I wanted to back away, but the whole situation chilled me so much, I couldn't move. Yoshinaka didn't stop laughing, and Sakutaro kept walking towards me... and Suzumoto joined him.

Before they reached me, their skin darkened to the point where it looked black, and their eyes became hollow. Their limbs became so loose they looked almost detached, and it was terrifying.

They looked like zombies.

Sakutaro pursued me, and Suzumoto turned to Akamine and slowly bent down next to her... and bit her.

I couldn't take it. My brain felt like it would explode.

Why? Why was this happening? What was going on?


I still couldn't make myself move, and I heard more moaning from behind me. With great effort, I forced my head to slightly turn, and the sight was just as bad.



My senses finally came to me, and I sprinted with the longest strides possible. I had to push and shove to get through unscathed, but I did it.

I had to get out. I just had to.

Dad MorishigeWhere stories live. Discover now