Like Father, Like Son

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Akamine and I waited for a good hour before we heard a chuckle coming from behind us. We both turned and saw him standing there...

Masami Yoshinaka.

He had a cheerful expression on his face, and keys in his hand.

"Morishige, Fukumi. What brings you two here?"

I smiled and reached a hand out towards him, and he shook it firmly.

"...We wanted to thank you for... watching over the... yeah."

Yoshinaka laughed loudly and inserted the keys into the door, then turned it to unlock the door.

"Don't mention it. So, Morishige, where did these corpses come from?"

My eyes darted back and forth. I didn't know how I was going to tell him. He was a man of reason... he would never believe me.

I barely even believed myself.

"No idea. But... we need them back. Please."

Yoshinaka smirked at me, and raised an eyebrow.

"You're lying to me, Doctor. You've some genius plan again, don't you?"

He was like Akamine in the sense he could read in between the lines. I didn't know how to respond, so I just stood there quietly. Luckily, Akamine responded for me.

"Masami, Seishirou needs to get to his office, but can't find his keys. So we were hoping you'd let us in! Thanks!"

Suddenly, she firmly took my arm and dragged me inside, to get to my office. When she shut the door, she narrowed her eyes and looked at my pocket.

"Quickly. Lock the door."

I didn't understand why she was acting so strangely... it felt as if she was hiding something. I was too occupied by my goals to question it, though, so I did as I was told.

After I locked the door, Akamine watched me carefully. Don't ask me why.

"Alright... let's do this! He left them in his room!"

I understood, so I nodded my head and entered Yoshinaka's room. The two corpses were on the other end. I walked towards them and knelt down next to them. Slowly and carefully, I pulled the formula out and found an eye dropper on his desk.

"Perfect. Just a few drops for both of you..."

I squeezed the dropper and gave both of them three small drops, and backed away quickly. It took a minute, but I heard some unique, and maybe even disturbing, noises. When all of that chaos was over, I saw a large hand grab a hold of the desk, and it pushed down. It supported the weight of the human body, and then they were standing up.

And looking right at me.


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