They Say... Keep Trying

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A/N: Akamine is a random OC I came up with for purposes of the story. It's her last name. Enjoy.

Later that same day, I returned to my office immediately to begin my research.

Heavenly Host Elementary.

The name still struck me as ironic. You would think such a school would be a safe haven, not some cursed place such tragic events would occur.

That was insignificant, though, and I didn't have time to concern myself over it.

I'll tell you this: I didn't find much else... at least, anything useful.

About the school, that is.

The coworker I intended to meet with earlier knocked on my door, and I told her to enter.

"Morishige! Did you figure it out?"

I silently nodded my head as I turned my chair to face her.

"That I did. Tell me, what is it you know? You had something valuable for me, yes?"

"Yeah, I do! I know you might be skeptical, but at this point, it shouldn't surprise you."

I crossed one leg over the other and held my chin. These things mean I'm interested, and I'm listening and ready to think.

"You have my attention. Go on."

She stood against the wall and smiled a little at me.

"Magic exists, you know? Hear me out. Some people are born with it in their veins. I'm not kidding. And get this: the main source of Heavenly Host existing as a different plane altogether... Magic. Also... do you remember when the sky looked weird?"

"...When the sun or moon looked entirely different? Yes, I do recall."

"That was caused by magic, too. If someone hadn't stopped whoever was causing it, the world would've ended, I guarantee it."

"Tell me, who caused such catastrophic events?"

"I'm not positive, but I think it was the last survivor of some magic family or group. I think his name was Kiriya."

"Kiriya? I'm not familiar with that name."

She nodded and crossed her arms.

"Of course you aren't. You get the point, don't you?"

"Are you about to tell me you're some magical witch or something, Akamine?"

"Pfft. Close enough... Listen here, Doctor Morishige. What is it you want more than anything in the world?"


"No need to answer, I already know. You want your son back. He died in Heavenly Host, right?"

I didn't say anything, but I didn't have to. She knew the answer, anyway.

"He did. I know a way to bring him back... and maybe even his friend, if you want to go for it. He would probably like that more anyway. Imagine living without your best friend."

Suddenly, I felt as if something inside of me exploded. I felt a mix of different emotions: anger, sadness, guilt... I even felt a little violent.

Which is unlike me.

"Shut it! I know... Yes, let's try to bring them both back."

I knew one thing Akamine didn't: Sakutaro committed suicide... but she was right. Without Suzumoto, he wouldn't want to even live anyway...

That's the main reason he killed himself, after all.

Akamine ignored my outburst, however, and laughed.

"Great! After your shift is over, meet me by the entrance. Outside."

I nodded, and dismissed her.

What was her plan, exactly? Would anything happen to me, her, or anyone else?

Could this be dangerous?

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