CHAPTER 3-Encounters

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The day went by in a haze and at 5pm I was glad I could finally go home. I quickly started packing my bag when Dave walked in with a stash of files and papers, he threw with such force on my desk. "Sort these out, I will need them by morning". He turned around and left. I felt really shattered, it wasn't enough that he had worked me so hard all day now I still had more work to do. I was starting to feel like he was trying to overwhelm me just so I could quit and I will be damned if I gave him the satisfaction.
I sat down and sorted the files and by 9pm I was finally done. I was starving with a ringing headache, I really needed some food and some sleep.

Walking out the building I remembered it was so late and there was likely no bus at this hour. I decided to call an Uber even though it will set me back financially rather then the cheap bus. I stood there outside the cold South African June wind which was so chilly I wrapped my arms around myself. A black sleek car parked in front of me.

There is no way an Uber could be this quick and fancy. I felt uneasy but acted brave and ignored the car as it sounded its horn. I was hoping and praying my ride comes any moment now. Just then the window rolls down... Oh crap!!!

Mr Bloom looks at me with a puzzled look. "Luthando, what are you doing here at this hour?". I try to focus this time and with a slightly shaky voice I answer,

"Uhm sorry Sir..."
"What the hell are you apologising for?...Jeez!" He interrupts.
"Well Dave gave me some work to do so it took me time, I'm sorry".
"That's hardly a thing to apologise for, need a ride? Get in!"
"Uhm... Thanks Sir but... I already called an Uber"
"No I will take you..."
"I won't take no for an answer!"

Just then the car pulled up and before I could move my feet that were too stunned to move Mr Bloom got out of his car and went to the Uber and paid it. I wanted to protest but I was overwhelmed at how he looked in sweatpants and a casual T-shirt which emphasised his lovely physique. If I thought he looked delectable in a tailor fitted suit I was corrected, He looked great in EVERYTHING! Wonder how he looked nake...

"Luthando! Stop staring, I'm your boss for crying out loud!"
What the hell is wrong with me?! "Get in the car". He says and I move shyly to the the car and my nose is assaulted by the smell of his strong perfume. Good grief this was definitely a bad idea!

"I am waiting for you to tell me which direction to go", he snaps at me. I direct him to where I stay. As we leave the nicer parts of town towards the slums I stay in, I start to think that he is so rude to me. How could I be attracted to such a person? Its time I get my head right, falling for him will only mess up my life. And that's the last thing I need right now.

Pulling up on my apartment block there's a crowd and cops outside. What now? I wonder. The building I stayed at was not the safest, it had drug dealers and prostitutes but hey it was all I could afford straight out of Varsity.

"What's going on?", he asks with a worried look on his face.
"I don't know but I'm sure the cops will handle it", I say as I exit the car. "Goodnight Mr Bloom and thank you for the lift".

"Wait!...are you sure its safe?"
"I am sure I can handle it, I'm used to this"
"Well I'm not let me come with you"
"I said I'm fine! Seriously I can handle myself", I say offended. How dare he treat me like some damsel in distress, I have been taking care of myself from such an early age and I don't need no help. "I am only trying to help", he says with frustration. "I don't need help! Now thank you and goodbye", I say and walk away.

I walk around the crowd and hear through the chatter that someone got shot in front of our building. I roll my eyes and as I near the building door I'm stopped by a cop. What the hell? Just before I can ask him I hear a loud noise and feel a sharp pain in my chest. I fall down and as I am fading into the darkness I hear my phone ring.

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