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I threw myself on the bed and let out a sigh. I really needed to move out, I got up from the bed and started packing so tomorrow I would look for a place to stay.
I was so engrossed in packing when i heard a knock on the door.

"Who is it?", I asked unsure who could it be. " Bradley, can I come in?". Oh crap, what does he want now. "Come in", I said annoyed.

He walked in casually with his hand in his pockets and leaned on the door frame of the open door.
"You  packing?...", he asked with a confused expression on his face. "…Where are you going?".
"I'm not sure yet, I will be looking for a place to stay tomorrow."
"Why?", he asked coming closer to me.
"I just like having my own space", I said standing up and taking a step back folding my arms hoping to make a stand.
"But I give you space", he said eying me.
"I know but I enjoy living completely alone".
He back tracked a bit putting his hands in his pockets again.
"Well I'm sorry but I would prefer it if you stayed here as my assistant, its practical and easier to work". With that he turned around and headed for the door just as he was about to walk out he turned around again.
"Oh I nearly forgot, I came to tell you that lunch is ready."
"I will pass, I'm not really hungry"
"Please come, don't worry about my family I will make sure nobody bothers you."
I was about to protest when he walked over to me and took my hand leading me towards the door, I was so shocked by the contact that I just lost all sense and followed him. What was wrong with me?

Lunch was served outside on the patio and as we reached the door he let go of my hand. I suddenly felt like turning back. His family was already at the table and now they were staring at us, he casually took a seat at the end of table and I proceeded to take the only open seat which was besides him.

After his mother said grace we began eating. That's when his sister started talking, "So have you picked out a suit for your party tomorrow?"
"Yes", Bradley answered absent mindedly.
" Are you coming?", she asked looking at me. I don't even know what they were talking about so I just said no.
"Why not?", she asked with a raised brow. Well because I was not invited and well parties are not my thing is what I wanted to say but instead I just shrugged hoping she leaves me alone.
" Have you found a dress?", Bradley asked her. I was grateful to him for rescuing me even though its his fault I was being interrogated.

Thankfully the meal went on by with me being invincible and I couldn't help but notice that so was Bradley. He only spoke up when asked a question.

After dinner the family wanted to see the party venue, Bradley said he had work to do so they left without him. I decided to help Linda clean up since it was a larger mess then usual. We were chatting and doing dishes when Bradley walked in the kitchen from walking out his family.
"Luthando, a word please". I was expecting him to call me since he said he has work to do, guess I work on weekends too.

He led me to his office and told me to take a seat.
"As you gathered from my family I am having a party...", he started but paused as if thinking about his next words.
"Would you like to come?"
"Oh no thanks", I quickly replied.
"Why not?"
"It's a family thing so...and besides I don't have anything to wear"
He chuckled a bit,"Celebrating my birth is hardly a family thing,a lot of people are invited. And as for a dress, that can be organised.
"But Mr Bloom...", he interrupted me. " I told you to call me Bradley, now let's go get that dress ". He said getting up and taking my hand.

We walked to his car, I should ask where we are going but I'm still wrapped up in the fact that its the second time today he has taken my hand like we dating.

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