Chapter 19-Party

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The next morning I woke up to a knock on the door. I looked at my watch and it was only 7 am,I am so not a morning person. I got up and opened the door expecting Linda only to see Mrs Bloom. What the duck is she doing here?

"Luthando dear, how are you?", she said walking into my room and looking around. How am I ? Try sleepy! I wanted to say but I just went with, "Im well thanks and you ma'am?".

"Oh I'm fine dear", she said staring at me.
"So what is going on between you and my son?", she asked.
"Nothing, he is my boss!", I answered defensively to
which I got a raised eyebrow from her. "Come on child don't lie to me, my son values his space. He does not want anyone staying with him not even his family." ,she said pacing the room. I was shocked with the news so I remained quiet.
"Do you know we only get to see him on his birthday's, major holidays and functions. ", she gave me a sad look and continued.
"We usually sleep at the hotel when we come here but this here we persuaded him to stay over hoping to spend time with him. But it was all in vain because he is always busy, you see him more than us". I did not realise how distant he was and that probably explains his mating friend Kimberly. She also didn't spend the night over. Why was he so persistent on me staying if he loves his space?

We heard a knock on the door and I told whoever it was to come in, what the hell Mrs Bloom was already here anyways.
" Mother what are you doing here", asked Bradley probably shocked to see his mom in my room. "Oh I'm just making small talk with Luthando, what are you doing here?", she asked giving him a knowing look. "I wanted to speak to her too", he said with a serious face. "About what?", she asked. I just wished they were having this weird conversation elsewhere, now I'm standing there awkwardly in my pyjamas.
"Mother what's with the questions?", he asked annoyed.
"Oh well I guess I better get going, give you guys a little privacy", she said winking before she left. If only she knew that there was honestly nothing between us.

"I'm sorry about my Mother", he said once she left.
"No that's OK "
"What did she want?"
"I think she thinks we are an item"
He chuckled, "She knows very well I don't date".
"Well that makes the two of us".
He looked at me and then inched closer. "I do enjoy sex though...", he said pulling me onto him. My heart was beating fast. I wish I had a witty comeback but my brain was melted. He then leaned in and kiss me, the kiss was so heated like he was hungry for me and I returned it with the same intensity. He then pulled back and gave me a smirk, " You did not even wish your boss a happy birthday "." Happy birthday boss!", I said pulling him into a kiss once more. I don't know what came over me but I lost all sense when I was with him. This time the kiss got even more heated with our hands exploring just as much as our lips and tongues.

Our make out session was stopped by his cellphone ringing. "I'm sorry its the party planner I have to take this", with that he left the room. I decided to take a shower to cool off.

Linda came by to tell me breakfast was ready Mrs Bloom insists I join them,crap! When I got there everyone was there except Bradley. I sat down and greeted. Brooke was busy going on about the party to her mother while Mr Bloom kept quiet. I noticed that Blake, Bradley's brother hardly spoke and gave a rude answer when asked a question (what a brat). "So what dress did you get?" , Brooke asked me guess she was bored of talking about herself now. "A black dress", I shrugged. She broke out into laughter, "I mean the designer, gosh you clueless!".
"Brooke that is rude,apologise this instant", Mrs Bloom hissed. I suddenly felt so out of place here, I did not belong with these snobbish rich people. I felt stupid for even allowing myself to get comfortable, I quickly got up and excused myself before they could say anything.

I got to my room and locked the door. I layer there on the bed feeling down. Later Mrs Bloom came knocking but I ignored her. I  heard my cellphone beep in my drawer which was odd because no one had my number. I took it out and realised I had a text from a contact saved BOSS. A smile crept into my face.

Be ready by 17:00

Crap I was no longer in the mood to attend the party but I could not let him down since I already agreed to be his date.

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