Chapter 30- Happy endings

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The next morning I fixed myself and took the extra effort to look good. Did not want people to see I had been crying the whole night.

I arrived early at work and walking in Sindy greeted me and asked, "Mr bloom is not coming in today, you guys always arrive together"

I shrugged and told her I was not staying with him anymore.

She smiled but you could see the shock she was trying to conceal.

The next few weeks passed by smoothly with minimal contact with Mr Bloom.

Well that was  until almost a month later when I was on lunch. I think it was the fact that I only had breakfast the day before because I was so busy with a deadline, when I took a bite of my egg sandwich I threw up.

My tummy started cramping and I was sweating. They assumed its something I ate but Lanie added that maybe it was because I was pregnant.

No it couldn't be, I was on birth control even though I didn't date for the mere fact that I did not want a repeat of what happened in college.

Dave told me to go home.

Feeling weak and dizzy I gathered my stuff. When I was leaving I felt everything go dark...

I woke up later in the hospital with Mr Bloom beside me.

Seriously? Not again!!!
I covered my face and let out an irritated grunt.

"You fainted when you were leaving today, I caught you and brought you here."

Why do I have to be this weak damsel in distress needing to be saved by him? Things were better, I was finally getting over him.

"I called Bob and told him you are here, I thought I should wait with you till he got here."

I nodded, yes Bob and I have been hanging out as friends every now and then but there was no need to call him. For a tummy bug nonetheless.

A few minutes Dr Zulu walked in.
"Luthando you up? How are you feeling?", he said shining a light into my eyes.

" I'm OK", I said looking at Mr Bloom.

"I called him because he knows about the incident before, maybe its the cause of your fainting"

"I took some blood tests and thankfully that's not the reason, her iron is very low. I will prescribe some supplements for you and some multivitamins. However you need to eat healthy and regularly so that your baby can be healthy".

"She pregnant?!", I heard Bob exclaim from the doorway as he walked in.

He was shocked, Bradley was angry he got up looking like he wanted to leave.

" Dr that's impossible I'm on birth control. ", I said feeling the tears burn my eyes.

Bradley tried to grab my hand but Bob  grabbed it first which made Bradley run his hair through his hair an action that i have associated with frustration.

"Well one of the pills you took for the wound can affect the birth control and cleans it out with the toxins.", Dr Zulu said before he excused himself out of the tension filled room.

"Well I guess congratulations are in order", Bradley said walking towards the door. " Feel better and I will see you at work."

That just made me cry some more, history was repeating itself.

"Don't do that man!", I heard Bob shout at Bradley.

Bradley turned to him confused, " Don't do what?"

"She needs you, don't make the same mistake I did and leave her."

"She doesn't need me, she has you. You guys can finally have your baby."

Bob gave a light laugh, "You think I'm the father? No man, she was still caught up in you and whatever happened between you guys."

Shock crept to his and I realised Bob was right. He thought the baby was Bob's. The shock in his face made me uneasy. What if he doesn't want it and tells me to get rid of it. I couldn't have another abortion.

"It's mine?", he asked when he finally located his voice.

I nodded and Bob said his goodbye and left.

Bradley spent sometime standing there quiet.

" I'm keeping it, regardless if you want it or not. You off the hook, you can leave." , I said a fresh pair of tears running loose.

He quickly came to my side and gave me a hug.

"I'm sorry, its not that I want to leave. I'm still in shock and a lot of things were going through my mind, but none of them what you thinking."

He wiped my tears and gave me a kiss filled with so much love.

"I love you Luthando and I don't know why you pushed me away but I want to make things right for our baby."

Wait...did he just say he loves me?

"You love me because I'm pregnant?", I asked confused as to why he is telling me these words only now.

" I loved you the day I saw you I'm that conference room, since then I have wanted to be there for you."

I scoffed and looked away.

"You don't believe me?"

"No I don't ,I'm just an employee you sleep with just like the other female employees."

"What?! Who told you that? I don't sleep with employees." He said angrily clenching his fists.

"You slept with me..."

"That was different, I loved you."

"You slept with Lanie and she says you sleep with everyone else"

He clenched his jaw, "Yes I slept with her, it was a work function at the office. We were both drunk and when everyone left I went to get my bag at the office. She walked in and threw herself at me. I was stupid and slept with in the office. That was it though, I told her it shouldn't have happened buy she kept on throwing herself at me. I treatened to fire her if she didn't stop. She stopped but I was unaware she was spreading such rumours about me. I can't believe I let you go over a lie.", he said sitting down looking defeated.

I believed him and I felt stupid for not asking him.

I squeezed his hand to assure him that I believed him.

"I'm sorry for the pain I caused you, you must have thought I'm heartless."

He gave me another tight hug and then whispered in my ear.

"Marry me"

I pulled away shocked, "What?"

"Please marry me, be my wife. We already have a child on the way and I don't ever want to lose you again."

I smiled with tears of joy this time.

"Yes, I will marry you"

I never thought a girl like me could get a happy ending.


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