Chapter 18-Dress

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We arrive at this uptown boutique and its closed, great now I have an excuse not to go to his "birthday party". He pulls out his cellphone and makes a call notifying someone that he has arrived, moments later this uptight guy in a colourful tuxedo walks out. " Bradley dear come in, come in", we follow him into the shop which he closes once more once we are inside. "Here is your suit with the altercations you needed", he said handing it to him. Its a pity it was in  bag because I was curious at how it looked. "Thanks a lot Max, my partner here has no dress, I know its short notice but don't you have anything beautiful she can wear".

I decided that I did not like this Max character by the way he looked at me from head to toe with judgemental eyes.
"Well I do not have that many dresses for the bigger girls, but I will see what I can do", he said with a bored tone before he walked off. Did he call me bigger? Yes I'm not skinny but I like to think I have curves in all the right places. I was fuming and wanted to leave. As if Bradley could sense my anger he placed his hand in mine (again!) and leaned over and whispered, "Don't mind him he's just being an ass", to my ear before placing a soft kiss to my cheek. I completely forgot about Max and all I could focus on the butterflies dancing in my tummy,gosh when did I become so cliché?

Moments later Max emerged with a stack of dresses placing them on the table. The guy did not even measure me, how does he know these dresses will fit me? They all looked so amazing I was even scared to touch them. "Try them on and see which one you like", Max said. I was too stunned and had no idea which one to try on.

"Try on the black one, you can never go wrong with black", Bradley said letting go of my hand. I took the black silk dress and headed to the dressing room, slipping it on it felt so smooth on my skin. It fit my body like a glove,literally. It hugged on my big bust showing just enough cleavage for that sexy appeal and it hugged my hips and booty as it flowed to the ground. It was long and stylish with a bunch of sexy. I felt so beautiful and I decided on it, it was no use to try the rest when this one was perfect.

When I emerged from the dressing room with the dress in hand Bradley gave me a quizzical look. "You didn't like it?", he asked coming close to me. "No, I loved it actually", I said giving a smile to assure him.
"I thought you would show us how it looked...for our opinion you know". I never really thought about that, I'm so used to doing stuff alone I did not think he would want to see. "Should I put it on again?", I asked feeling guilty.
"No no, surprise him tomorrow", Max said giving a wink.

After getting accessories and shoes we left the shop. It felt good to indulge in such expensive clothing but I also felt bad that my boss had to pay for it.

When we arrived everyone was back chatting in the living room. I felt awkward carrying the bags from the boutique since Brooke was eying them. "So you coming to the party now?", I was about to answer when Bradley cut in, " Yes she is, she is my date. Let us go put these bags in your room". With that he walked off and I followed leaving his family shocked.

"Sorry", he said once we go to his room.
"For saying that you are my date"
"Oh that's OK"
"So will you?"
"Will I what?"
"Will you be my date?"
"Uhm sure, I guess"
"Thank you!", he said placing a kiss on my forehead.
" I know you don't like being around people so I'll ask Linda to bring your food here if you like"
"I'd love that, thank you Bradley", I said giving him a smile.

"Anything for you Luthando, goodnight!".

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