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I woke up showered and changed my bandages. I got dressed in the same outfit once again, I was glad at least I would get to wear my own clothing now. I walked into the kitchen to find hungry, the house was so quiet as if I was alone. After opening almost every cupboard I succeeded in making my self a cup of tea and some scrambled eggs and toast. I ate and then cleaned up afterwards. I really did not know what to do next because I was pretty sure the boss was gone already, I was headed off to the room when I heard the doorbell. I froze, should I get it or does will someone else get it, not like it was my place. The bell rang,oh well! I answered the door and was greeted by a guy in his thirties in an overall. "Hi Luthando?". I nodded remembering that I was due to move. "I'm here to fetch you so we can help you move". I follow the guy to the truck where an older guy was at the wheel. The truck was way too big for what I was getting. Come to think of it I could carry it on my own, oh well.

We stopped outside my building. I was overcome by a wave of emotion, I wondered what would have happened if I had died. No one would have cared, the state would have just buried me and everyone would have gone on with their lives like I never existed. I shake away the urge to cry, I don't cry (I didn't even cry when I lost my mother). Crying makes you weak and weakness is one thing I don't ever want to feel.

When we reach my apartment I remember that I don't have the key, I last saw my handbag with all my stuff before I got shot. Some one must have stolen it, anything is possible at this place. Just then the landlord comes up. "Luthando I have been expecting you, I have someone waiting to move in" .In a swift movement he opens the door for me. I walk into my room and remember the excitement I had felt about my new job the last time I was here. We start packing in the boxes the guys brought up. We are done within an hour. I don't have much stuff anyways, in my experience I don't buy too much stuff so its easier to move and besides I had to save as much money as I could.

Back at Blooms house I stare at the boxes on the floor in the room I sleep in, this is only temporary I tell myself the same thing I told myself when I moved into that awful apartment. I wonder if I will ever settle down,have a home with kids and a husband. Most probably not, I'm way too messed up. I don't even come from a dysfunctional family, I just never had a family period. I sigh and get up from the bed and decide I need be outside, I need fresh air. I go out the back door and am marvelled by a beautiful back yard with colourful blooming flowers, a fountain at the centre a lush green grass. I take a seat in the bench. The warmth of the afternoon sun feels great on my skin that in no time I start to feel sleepy. I decide to go nap a bit so I get up and head indoors.

I enter the house and immediately hear voices, male and female. I assume its Linda and Mr Bloom. I decide to go ask him if he has some work for me. As I walk into the living room I am shocked at what I see. Holy shit!! (Excuse my French)

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