Chapter 26- Hired...twice!

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I woke up the following morning to the bed empty next to me.

I had a lovely nights sleep but I did not feel like getting up yet.

So I stayed in bed salvaging the comfy bed and the feel of the silk sheets filled with his captivating smell.

Moments later I heard the open so I pretended to be asleep ashamed I had overstayed my welcome. After all I'm just a colleague so this must have been a one nighter.

Hearing the clanking of cutlery I opened my eyes.

"Sorry to wake you , but breakfast is served." , he said with a smile placing my tray on the bed side table and then kissing my forehead.

It felt so great to be in his embrace.

"You will excuse me,I have to shower and head to a meeting."

I watched him disappear into his in suite bathroom and exhaled a breath I was not aware I was holding.

Wait meeting? I was his PA and surely I had to go.

I quickly ate up and then hurriedly took a shower and got dressed.

Fortunately as I made it to the door he was approaching with a confused look on his face.

"I thought you would need me to take notes...", I said shyly.

He gave a slight chuckle, "That was fast, most females take their time. Let's go."

Upon arriving to the meeting I found out it was with Mr Johnson and the dreaded Bob, now I know why he was willing to leave me behind.

Bob flinched at the sight of me but quickly regained composure.

The meeting went on smoothly and the two guys were very professional given the events that had occurred.

After the meeting we all had lunch, everyone was was talking and laughing whilst I focused on my plate.

"So Luthando...", I heard Mr Johnson began. " Bob tells me you did marketing, graduated top of your class too."

I was stunned! Why would he discuss me with his boss?

"Uhm yes I did", I simply said as everyone at the table stared at me.

"Bradley why do you have as an assistant then?", he asked looking at Mr Bloom with a raises eyebrow. This man was as subtle as a gun.

Mr Bloom shifted uncomfortably in his seat a bit loosening his tie.

"She was doing her internship with us but due to some unforeseen circumstances she had to be my assistant which will be highly beneficial to her since she gets to shadow me." , he said so smoothly giving me a smile.

"Well that's great and when you finish your learnership Luthando, I have a job waiting for you."

I was left in awe. This was great but I didn't know about having to work with Bob.

I  looked at him and saw him smirk and in turn made Mr Bloom clench his jaw and excuse us,something about another meeting.

I thanked Mr Johnson and we left with him rushing in front of me slamming the door as he got into the car.

The car sped off to the office and he didn't utter a single word. I followed him inside greeting Sindy at the entrance.

Dave called me as I passed his office and asked me to help him with a project, I agreed not wanting to be in the same room as Mr Bloom.

Later on in that day me, Erin and Mia were suddenly called in the conference room. I was uneasy, was he letting us go? We had some time left.

Only Sindy was there and no Mr Bloom.

"Hey guys, Mr Bloom was meant to address you but he had a personal emergency to attend to."

I was shocked at the news and wondered what that emergency could be.

"He asked me to give you guys these contracts, you guys have all been such an asset to the company that he wants to hire you all as full time employees!"

Everyone was happy but I had an unsettling feeling.

Did he just give us all jobs just because Mr Johnson offered me a job?

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