CHAPTER 14-Steele

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I kept my head down so I wouldn't have to look at him.

"Not a problem Mr..?", Mr Bloom answered.
"Mr Steele, glad to finally meet you Mr Bloom", he says coming to him and shaking his hand. Steele, so it was really him gosh I was hoping I was mistaken. He proceeds to take his seat across from me and they continue their talk. I look up to steal a glance of him and fall right into his piercing brown eyes staring at me. I quickly look away hating that he can still make me feel vulnerable after all this time. I shit uncomfortably in my seat, Mr Bloom must have sensed something because he leans to me and asks "Are you OK? You seem restless". I feel so unprofessional so I sit up and tell him, "Sorry I'm fine sir". He gives me a stern look before paying attention back to the gentlemen before him. I ensure not to look at his direction til the meeting ends.

Everyone gets up shaking hands and exchanging pleasantries after the meeting. I gather up my stuff quickly and get up coming face to face with him. I feel my heart began to race, I thought I would never see him again and yet here he is looking so sleek and his black tailor fitted tux. "Luthando...", he whispers way too close for my comfort so I take a step back. " have you been?", he cocks his head to the side, a gesture I used to find extremely sexy now makes me sick to the pit of my stomach. "Mr Steele, it was good to meet you. We will be meeting more in future.", luckily Mr Blooms interrupts standing beside me. "How about I treat you guys to lunch", he says looking at Mr Bloom and me. I pray he says no but I feel my heart getting crushed as he agrees.

Walking out the building I try and excuse myself but Mr Bloom insists I stay he will drop me off afterwards. We go to the diner besides their office, its only 3pm but its packed with people from the office we left I assume from the casual wear. We order our food once we are seated. The guys proceed to make small talk and I'm greatful that they have forgotten me. Our food arrives and before I can put the piece of steak in my mouth I hear him say,

"So Luthando is your assistant?"
"Excuse me?", Mr Bloom asks clearly shocked he knows my name since he only introduced me as Miss Mkhize.
"Well I mean she was studying marketing so I was wondering why she's an assistant.", Mr Bloom give me a look waiting for me to talk.
"Its a long story", I say angry that he was asking about MY life like he cared.
"So you guys know each other?", Mr Bloom asks raising an eyebrow to me.
"We went to University together.", I shrug willing this topic to end already.
"Is that all?", he mocks me faking a hurt expression.

I am beyond angry that he has to bring that up, unable to bottle my feelings I excuse myself to the bathroom. I stand at the mirror taking deep breaths reminding myself that I do not cry. Once I feel composed I walk back out. When I sit down they are both quiet and I can sense the tension. I wonder what happened but t I greatful I won't have to talk anymore.

After that horrible lunch we drive off "home", I am exhausted after such an eventful day.

Once we reach I grab my bag and we enter the house, Mr Bloom breaks the silence. "Are you OK?", he asks staring at me. Its the second time he has asked me that today and it bothers me that I am intact not OK. I smile and say, "Yes I'm fine sir".

"Bradley, no need to be formal outside work"
"Uhm OK"
"You sure you OK?", he presses on
"I'm just a bit tired, nothing a lil sleep can't fix.", I say trying to sound convincing.
"I noticed he made you uneasy..."
"Sir uhm I mean Bradley, can we not talk about it please"
"I'm starting to learn that you a fan of not talking about things, you know its bad for you to keep emotions bottled up?"
"Well we all deal with things our own way", I snap angry at his psycho-bullshit.
"Luthando I'm sorry if I'm offending you", he says coming closer. I try to move back but the wall blocks me.
"I'm just trying to help you",he says staring into my eyes.

I can smell his breath taking cologne at such close proximity, I try to focus so that I do not get ahead of myself like the last time.

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