chapter 4

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I slowly raised my head and looked over the top of my laptop. My eyes slowly narrowed as I gazed towards the desk in front of mine and thoughtfully frowned. Sitting there was no one else than Baekhyun, who was looking down at some papers that were spread in front of him and working.

I was staring at him with a frown until Sehun pushed his rolling chair towards me and curiously asked: '' You've been staring at him for the past ten minutes. Is there any particular reason why you're being so creepy? ''

I wrinkled my nose and looked at my friend. '' Why do you think he joined our team? ''

'' Does there have to be a secret reason behind it? Are you sure you aren't just being paranoid and weird? '' Sehun carelessly shrugged and pushed himself back to his side of our desk.

Him and my other coworkers didn't think much of Baekhyun's sudden reappearance, but I was sure that there had to be something behind it. He was gone for a month and now all of the sudden he was back and working with us again. Something must have happened just when I decided to stop stalking him and I couldn't help it but to wonder what it was. Or was it anything special about this case in particular again? Was the murderer somehow connected with whoever he was looking for?

I was still glad he was working with us, because this wasn't just a murder, we were dealing with a missing person too. Our victim picked up his daughter from school last night and he never came home again. Something happened on the way back that caused him to get hit a car and end up stabbed and thrown in the stream of water. Now both his car and daughter were gone.

Search parties were already looking through the area where the girl was going to school, but there were no signs of her. Police inspected both houses of her divorced parents and didn't find anything either. Jongdae made sure that there were pictures of her everywhere, now it was four in the morning and all we could do was wait for someone to call us with news about her or the car that disappeared with her.

We were still waiting for Hye-rin's full report from the laboratory and doing other things in the meantime. It was really late and we were the only ones at the police station at that time of day, but we didn't want to go home when we knew a young girl's life could be at stake. Baekhyun was reading through the victim and the daughter's family members's statements. Sehun and I were trying to find more information about the man that was murder and any possible enemies that could have a reason to kill him. Jongdae fell asleep in the middle of researching car selling sights, calling different police stations and trying to find any information about the missing car. Xiumin was looking at the statements of the friends of the victim's daughter in hopes to come across something that would stick out to him.

'' This is hopeless, '' I mumbled, groaned with desperation and buried my face in my hands.

Xiumin sighed, leaned back on his chair and grabbed the cup of coffee that was placed next to his laptop. It was the fifth one he had that night and he still looked extremely tired. There were dark bags under his eyes when he gazed towards the white board where we wrote all of the information about the case we had so far. It was practically empty. '' The Bang family might be divorced, but both of the parents worked jobs that paid very well and lived in nice houses. Our victim never remarried, had a lot of friends, got along with his relatives and his daughter spent time with him every weekend. His wife admitted she never forgave him for cheating on her, but she still never got between him spending time with her child and kept their relationship as friendly as possible. The missing daughter also was good in school, never caused problems and had a lot of friends. ''

'' To make it simple - the Bang family seems pretty much perfect and yet it can't be, because the husband got hit by a car, stabbed to death multiple times and thrown in a water stream and the daughter got taken by God knows who, '' Baekhyun seriously spoke up, making everyone's eyes move towards him.

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