chapter 12

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Deleting evidence.

Kwan Taeshik was deleting all evidence about him, his past and anything else that could possibly connect him to the murders he committed years ago and he didn't care if that meant deleting a person too. The lung surgeon that was found stabbed in one of the visitor rooms of the hospital where she worked used to be his assistant when he was still a doctor. My father told us that she probably knew too much about him, so he had to get rid of her.

'' Do you think Jongdae will find something searching the lung doctor's apartment? '' I asked and glanced towards Baekhyun.

It was already late at night and we were at a ramen shop where we stopped to have our first meal of the day before going back to the police station. We were sitting on two bar stools, slurping up noodles and I was trying to talk to him, while he was eating, reading the book he took from the Yellow house of hope orphanage and ignoring me. I was used to it, so I didn't really mind and just kept voicing my thoughts about the case out loud.

Baekhyun suddenly raised his hand to signal me to shut up and said: '' You're good at hacking aren't you? I've seen you get in someone's phone and follow it's gps, get security camera footage and things like that, but can you find out other things too? ''

My lips stretched in a smug grin and I waved with my chopsticks through the air. '' It depends what you need, but I'm sure I can do it. You see, hacking is a lot easier that most people think. It's just about putting numbers together, solving equations and writing computer codes. ''

'' Can you find out who was the teacher that worked at the Yellow house of hope thirty-two years ago? '' he asked and looked right at me. He pointed to the book that he was reading and continued: '' This book used to belong to her and I think that she would be able to tell us a lot about Kwan Taeshik. She never clearly mentions any names, but she often describes a boy that could be him. She says she was scared of him even if he was only fourteen because of how cunning and deceptive she was. There are multiple times she writes about how that same boy hurt somebody and showed no remorse afterwards. ''

I pushed my half empty bowl of ramen to the side and pulled my laptop from my back. Baekhyun was eagerly looking over my shoulder and at the screen when I opened a new window on the screen, cracked my knuckles and began typing. My face held no emotions and my eyes were completely soulless when I was looking at the numbers that were spelling out in front of me and decoding passwords to try to find the information about all workers in different orphanages around the Seoul area. I was hoping that perhaps there was something, but it was too long ago for that information to be electronically saved. Baekhyun quickly realised that when I stopped typing for a moment, then he quickly told me to try to find any other information about the orphanage at that time instead.

There wasn't much of that either. Mostly there were just articles about fundraising event for the orphanage and other ones around town, but I kept looking, until all of the sudden, I came across something surprising. My eyes slowly grew wide with surprise and my breath got caught in my throat. '' No way. ''

'' What is it? '' Baekhyun asked with confusion and waited for me to explain the meaning behind the numbers and codes on the computer screen.

I quickly continued typing, until I managed to get an address. My hands were slightly shaking when I rushed to pack my laptop and started putting on my jacket. Baekhyun, realising that there was no time for an explanation now, quickly paid for the food that we didn't even get to finish and  grabbed his things too. We hurried to his Lamborghini, got in the car and he wasted no time driving on the road. '' Where are we going? ''

I told him the address and finally explained: '' I couldn't find any information about the workers at the orphanage back then, but I did find a medical report. It was very brief and unclear, but it said that a kid from that place stabbed one of the teachers and she barely survived. His name was never mentioned, but considering he just killed the surgeon that was once his assistant, we can never be too sure. The teacher might be his next target. ''

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