No Way in Hell

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 Pulling on the handle of my baby blue, 2008 Escalade, I groaned for the millionth time that night because no matter how many times I pull the door handle of my vehicle, the keys would stay locked in. Thunder crackled above, and a short seconds later lightening shot across the sky. After the second round of thunder, the sky let loose all the water the clouds evaporated.

"Great! Just great! First I pull a Makayla, and now it starts to rain, just great," I grumbled to myself, while rushing back to the United Center over pass.

However, along the way there, I ran into someone. Biting my lip, I glanced up at the sheepishly looking Jonathan Toews. His brown eyes gazed into my hazel ones, before checking me over to see if I withstood the impact of his nicely toned chest. Noticing my forearms still on his chest, and his arm around his waist, my eyes widen while gazing back at him.

"I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to run into you, I was just heading back to the over pass to get out of the rain since I locked my keys in my car somehow, and now I don't know how I'm gonna get home since I know the road side assistance won't come out in this weather," I rambled on over the powerful downpour, glancing down at Jonathan's now soaked suit jacket, shirt, and tie, since his umbrella prevented him from getting wet. "Oh, and now I got you soaked, and now I am just rambling, I'll shut up now."

"I hope you know, I got about half of that," he chuckled, as his eyes now show a little sparkle into them. Giggling slightly, I glanced down at our soaking feet, as I felt the blush begin to form on my cheeks. "If you'd like, I'll take you home?"

Snapping my eyes up towards his, I bit my lip once more, and rubbed the back of my neck timidly. "And that's my second problem, my apartment key is on my key ring, which is locked in my car," I sighed, glancing up at him.

"And you don't have a roommate, or a spare key?" Jon looked at me confused.

"Yes, and yes," I started, averting my eyes from him once again. "But...."

"But? Wait, lets get into my car before we ruin our shoes, and my hockey stuff." I then took notice in the large bag hanging off his right shoulder.

"Good idea," I giggled, walking close to him, so we could share the umbrella. Nodding my head as a thank you to him as he opened my door, I quickly jumped inside, getting his leather seats wet in process. "Great, another thing I did."

Hearing the driver side door open, I turned towards Jonathan as he tried to close the umbrella. Laughing at his few failed attempts at doing it without getting wet, he finally closed it and shut his door. I took noticed in his flushed cheeks, and the fact I have yet to tell him my name, making me laugh harder. He turned towards me, looking at me confused.

"I hope you know," I breathed in deeply, trying not to laugh again. "You just let a total stranger, a girl stranger nonetheless, inside your vehicle Mr. Toews. I could be your stalker or a serial killer for all you know." I smirked towards him, finding his flushed cheeks become darker.

"Well, I know you're not a stalker now, since you just pointed that out," Jon chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck.

"My brother was right about you, you are too easy to pick on," I laughed, shaking my head.

"Your brother?"

"You played him tonight, which is why I am actually here in the players' parking lot, I picked him up from the airport," I smiled at the confused man sitting next to me.

"Who's your brother?"

"He would pick on you all the time with Sharpy, is it really that hard to tell a differences between us, Jonathan?"

He stared at me shocked. "No way in hell you're Burish's sister!"

"Believe it," I laughed, grinning.

"So you're the infamous Kaitlyn?"

"Indeed I am, and you're the infamous Captain Serious." I caught him rolling his eyes at the nickname the media dub him. Before he could respond, I continued where I left off out in the rain, "And my roommate is out of town visiting her family back in Minnesota, and our spare key happens to be with my brother, since he asked to have one when he comes into town on the off season."

Jon nodded his head in understanding, and we sat there for a good two minutes before he turned towards me. "I know we just met, but you can stay the night at Kaner and my place, seeing as if Burish would have found out I dropped you off at a hotel, he'd probably have my head."

"Don't think so highly of my brother, Jonathan, he'd be happy if I found a box to stay in," I laughed, shaking my head.

"I kind of doubt that Kaitlyn," he chucked, turning on the car, and backing out of the space.

The ride to Jonathan and Patrick's apartment could be described as semi-awkward. I mean, we sat in silence the whole ride, with my shivering to death, and him staying focus on the rainy streets ahead. Soon the chorus of 'I'll Make a Man Out of You' by the Disney movie, Mulan began to play throughout the car. As I quickly reached for my purse, I noticed out the corner of my eye, Jon quirking an eyebrow upwards at the ringtone.

"Yes Jenni?" I answered the phone, breathing deeply to stop my teeth from chattering.

"What, I can't call my best friend and roommate?" She pouted, no doubt, on the other side of the line.

"J-just what d-do y-you want, J-jenni?" I stuttered out, hugging myself closer. I soon felt the cool air change to heat, and I smiled at Jon. "Thanks Jon."

"Who's Jon? Why are you in a car with a Jon I don't know about? Kate! Answer me!" I pulled the phone away from my ear, as my blond roommate screamed in the receiver.

"I'll explain later Jen, but I got to go now, I'll call you in the morning to explain everything," I sighed, running a hand through my knot filled hair.

"Yeah, okay, you better! Or I'll send Brittany out there, and you know it won't be pretty!" She threatened.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, bye Jenni," I shook my head, hanging up, and noticing we came to a stop outside a nice apartment building.

I soon noticed my door being open, and there stood a smiling Jonathan. I smiled back, before putting my phone back into my purse, and stepping out in the rain. Holding out his arm, I placed mine in his, and we made our ways to the main floor, as the rain pelted us from every which way.

"I'm going to warn you now, Kaner might say something when we walk in," he sighed outside his door, before grabbing the handle. "If I know Patrick as well as I know I do, it'll be obnoxious, so just throwing that out there."

"It's okay Jon, Adam told me about you guys and Patrick's smart mouth sometimes," I smiled at him reassuringly.

"Alright, good," he laughed, smiling at me.

To say he could not uphold in being attractive, well, that right there would be a downright understatement. With his cute little half smile, and his soft brown eyes, he could win any girl over. To say I did not want to run my hands through his short brown hair, and have his soft looking lips on my own, well that too would be a lie. Biting my lip, I watch him open the door, and walk inside. I slowly followed him.  

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