Crushing My Insides

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 Shivering slightly from the blast of cool air as I stepped into the apartment, I noticed the flat screen TV in the living room on, and the head of Patrick Kane, who sat on the couch. Not even bothering to look over and greet his roommate, he continued to watch the highlights of tonight's game.

"About time you showed up, what the fuck took you so long man?" Finally turning around, Patrick's eyes widen at the sight of my soaked skinny jeans and hoodie, and shivering form, before a smirk fell on his face. "Now I see what took you so long," he chuckled.

"See, I told you," Jonathan shook his head.

"You told her what? That she's smokin' hot?" His smug look increased, as I rolled my eyes.

"I don't think Burish would find you talking to his sister like that to be fine," Jon shook his head, walking towards the hallway.

Patrick's eyes got even wider than that first time he laid his eyes on me, "No fucking way this is Burish'ssister dude!"

"Oh come on! That's what Jon said in the car on the way here! Why is it so hard to believe I'm Burish's sister?" I threw my arms in the air, rolling my eyes at the two boys. "I mean, my brother is a good looking man, is he not? I mean, he hung out with Sharpy long enough, so some of his sexiness must of rubbed off on him at some point in time!"

Patrick and Jonathan stared at me, shocked by my sudden outburst. After the initial shock wore off, the two hockey players in front of me started laughing. I smiled at them, laughing a little with them. I just could not figure out how hard it is to grasp, that I am Adam Burish's sister.

"It's not that we don't see it, it's just that we never pictured you to look like you do," Patrick explained, making me cock an eyebrow.

"Come on, let's get you a warm shower and some dry clothes before you catch a cold," Jon rolled his eyes at Patrick, before ushering me down the hallway and into a room.

The room didn't have much, besides the usual bed, which was a king size, dresser, computer desk, a TV hanging on the wall, and a couple paintings, along with a few framed pictures of his family from what I could tell. With chattering teeth, I placed my gaze on the man inside the room with me, as he rummaged through his dresser drawers.

"J-jon, could y-you just p-point me t-to the s-shower," I bit my lip, shivering more violently than before. Jon's head snapped towards me, his eyes widen a little, before nodding his head, and taking me to the bathroom. "T-thanks."

"No problem, I'll go look for something that will fit you better." I nodded my head, before unzipping my hoodie. "And the towels are in the closet back here when you're done."

"O-okay," I sighed, waiting for him to shut the door behind him as he left, before I continued to undress myself.

Melting into the heat of the water, I sighed and begun to warm my body up. Looking around for some form of soap, I groaned after seeing all they had was Axe body wash two in one. Guess I'm smelling like a guy. Shrugging my shoulders, I started to wash my body. About a good thirty minutes into the shower, I turned the water off, finally feeling my body's temperature back to normal.

I pulled the curtain back to find my clothes missing, but folded clothes on the counter. I didn't even hear him come back in. Stepping out on the rug, I quickly walked towards the closet, and pulled out a towel. I leaned my head over the shower, so my hair would not drip onto the floor, and dried off my body, before wrapping my hair into the towel.

Turning back around, I picked up the first article of clothing, which was a long sleeved shirt. Next in the pile sat a pair of boxer briefs, and some basketball shorts. Laughing at the fact he gave me some underwear, I quickly got dressed. The clothes all, but swallowed me. I stepped out into the hallway, only to hear my phone go off in the living. Walking out there, I heard my phone being answered and Patrick's voice.

"Hey Adam." My eyes widen at my brother's name. I ran into the living room, to see a laughing Patrick. "She just got out of the shower man."

"I tried to stop him," Jon's voiced scared me, making me jump. I slapped his chest, and glared up at him.

"Thanks for scaring me," I huffed, making him chuckle.

"Yeah, we had a little bit of fun together. Did you know your sister had a way with her tongue?"

"Patrick!" Jon and I both shouted at the laughing Patrick. Running full force at his turned back, I tackled him to the ground by surprise.

"What the fuck!" He groaned, trying to get me off from on top of him. Not answering his question, I ripped my phone out of his hand, and pressed it to my ear, only to pull it away from a screaming Adam.

"Thanks a lot dipshit, now his's pissed," I smacked the back of his head, while standing up, and moving to the kitchen.

"Kaner! Answer me right now! What the fuck are you doing to my sister?" Adam's shrill voice demanded on the other end of the phone.

"Chill big brother, he was just messing with you," I sighed, leaning against the counter top.

"Did she really just tackle me to the floor?" I heard Patrick's questioning voice from the living room.

"Yep, I'm pretty amazed by that fact as well," I then heard Jon's chuckle, making me smile.

"Kaitlyn, why are you even over there in the first place?" His voice calmed down a few octaves, but he still sounded pissed.

"I locked my keys in my car and this storm here is pretty bad," I glanced out the window, seeing that the rain has not yet stopped. "It's still pretty bad out, and I ended up running into Jonathan at the United Center, and he offered me to stay here until the storm lets up and I can call the people to get the keys out of my car."

"But why didn't you just have him take you home?"

"I would have, but Jenni's out of town for the next few days, and my big brother has my spare key with him in the Texas' airport right about now."

"Oh, haha, sorry I took the only way for you to get into your apartment, but I didn't think you would lock your keys inside your car." Adam chuckled.

"Shut up!" I laughed, rolling my eyes.

Before I heard the reply from my brother, I was tackled to the kitchen floor, and I felt the weight of someone on top of me. Groaning, I opened my eyes a slit, to see none other than, Patrick Kane on top of me.

"What the fuck man! Get the hell off of me!" I shouted, trying to pry his arms off around my waist. "Jonathan! Get him off of me! He's crushing my insides!" I glared at the smirking Patrick, as he began to laugh his head off.

"Sorry little Burish, Jonathan can't help you now," he gave an evil laugh, making my eyes grow wide.

"No, but I can do this," I grinned at his confused face, as I brought my knee up to his groin, making him roll off of me in pain. "Next time, think before you tackle me again, because it will be harder."

Laughing at his discomfort, I walked back into the living room to find an amused Jonathan sitting on the couch. Smiling at him, I walked towards him, only to smack him on the back of the head.

"Ow, what was that for!" He whined, rubbing the spot I just hit.

"For letting Kaner tackle me, and then not helping," I glared at him, before turning and walking away. "Now if you excuse me, I have a brother to talk to."  

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