Name Calling

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  I nibbled on my lip as I watched the boys play their first game of the season against the Capitals. They are tied so far in the first period. One to one. I watched as Jonathan checked someone into the boards. Man was it hot watching him play. Being pregnant has me hornier than ever. I cheered as Kaner made the second goal of the night, pushing them ahead.

"Kate, your feet are starting to swell up from you standing," Abby's voice broke my unthinkable thoughts I had about Jonathan at the moment. I turned around to her. "Do you want me to get you a chair?"

Since I became pregnant, Jon said I had to stay in the box with the wives and girlfriends. I tried to protest against it because I loved being front and center for the games. I love listening to the fans scream their heads off because I fit right in when I scream my head off. But I understood; the fans could get quite rough sometimes so I knew it would be safer for me to sit away from the fans. I glanced down at my feet to see that they were in fact beginning to swell. I looked back at Abby and nodded my head. She smiled and went to grab me a chair so I could sit at the window to watch the game instead of standing or watch the TV from the couch.

"So, you never told me what Jonathan's surprise was when you moved into your house," she smiled, standing next to me after I focused back onto the game after sitting.

"He made a collage of when we first started dating to now and the center of it was a picture of the ultrasound of the baby. It was really sweet and cute."

"Here, put your feet up to help stop the swelling," Ashely's voice pulled me away from the game as she set a chair to the side of me.

"Thanks," I smiled at her as I got back up and positioned myself sideways, put my feet up, and went back to the game only to see the end of the first period.

Great, now what am I supposed to do for the next seventeen minutes. I sighed rubbing my swollen belly. I have grown more over the past couple months, only having a month and a half left in the pregnancy.

"What are you having again?" A thick accented voice questioned. I glanced at Hossa's wife, Jana.

I grinned, "we decided for it to be a surprise, so we are throwing a lure or lace party soon. The invite should be in the mail soon, it's coming up during one of their three day breaks. The only person who knows is Adam."

"And he has yet to spill the beans?" Ashley inquired, surprised.

"He's almost let it slip a few times but every time he does, I pull the phone away before I hear it and hang up," I giggled.

The game ended sooner than I liked, but I was of course happy the boys won their first game of the season after winning the Stanley Cup. I also knew that Jon would be in a good mood and wouldn't hide himself in our bedroom with Cady. Sighing, Abby helped me up from my seat and down the stairs into the players lounge to wait for the boys to be done with their interviews. I wanted to be in there so much and conduct my own, but I knew better than to go in there and pull the attention away from the guys with my endless growing belly.

I sat down on one of the couches, waiting for Jon to walk through the door. Most of the boys came out before the Captain and said hi, rubbed my belly for good luck and left without another word. I nibbled on my lip, trying to get comfortable only to sigh and stand up. Abby being the only wife left, glared at me, but when I gave her a menacing look, her eyes soften. She nodded her head which I took it as a silent response, telling me that she knew what I was going through. Sharpy, Kaner, and Jon soon walked out of the locker room. Kane and Sharp were laughing, while Jon glared at them.

"What's so funny?" Abby questioned, standing up.

I zoned out, feeling the need for a big juicy hamburger. With cheese. Oh and onions. Maybe some pickles and cucumbers as well. My stomach rumbled as I placed my hand on top of the bump. I licked my lips, imagining the beautiful juicy liquids flowing into my mouth. Oh yeah, not to mention a big stack of cheese fries. And a milkshake.

"I know that look," Jon chuckled, place his hand on my lower back, stopping the picture of my gorgeous meal float around in my mind. "What do you want now?"

"What do you mean, what do I want now?" I glared at the smirking Captain, only to see his smirk leave his face to be replaced with a nervous one. "Are you calling me fat, Toews?"

"Yeah Cap, are you calling my best baby momma friend, fat?" Kane stepped in front of Jon, glaring at him as a smirk played on his lips.

"What?" Jon looked between the two of us, shaking his head. "No, I'm not calling you fat."

"Well it sure sounds like it," I crossed my arms over my chest and had them rest on top of my bump.

He shook his head no, glancing at me nervously. I glanced at Patrick, who could not hold it in any longer, and started laughing. My own laughter broke out. It finally happened. We have been waiting for a chance for me to pretend to be mad over the fact Jon implied of me being fat and have Kane back me up. He gazed from my face to Pat's, finally understand in that this was all a set up.

"I want a cheese burger, with onions, pickles, and cucumbers. With some cheese fries and a milkshake," my face turned serious, as I turned to look at my boyfriend.

"I better go feed her before she bites my head off," he sighed, steering me away from our group of friends, while I waved bye. "See you later guys!"

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