Really Jonathan

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  "No Jon, you're not coming over," I sniffled, trying to knock some sense into the hockey player's mind.

"But you said no one was there with you," he argued once again. "So I want to come and help."

"I know you do, but," I pulled the phone away to cough. "But I don't want to risk you getting sick and not one hundred percent in the game three days from now."

"Fine," he sighed. "But if you need anything, just call me and I'll be right over."

I sneezed before answering, "Okay, now I'm going to sleep."

"Good, get rest. I hope you feel better, babe."

"You and me both," I coughed again, before saying our goodbyes and hanging up the phone.

With it being November, like always, I ended up getting a cold. Sighing, I snuggled up on the couch with TLC's Four Weddings playing in the background. Soon, I fell asleep, hoping by the time I wake up this cold would be gone. But I know by the time I wake up, I will be feeling sicker than before I fell asleep. Not much longer after I fell into my slumber, I was woken up by someone playing with my hair. I tensed up, feeling a body underneath me, and arms wrapped around me. Sighing, I relaxed once I heard his voice.

"Are you awake?" Jonathan questioned, rubbing my back.

My eyebrows knitted together, confused why his voice was slightly muffled. I glanced up at him, to find him not only in a medical mask, but gloves on as well. Laughing to the point I started coughing, I took deep breaths before shaking my head at my boyfriend. "Really, Jonathan?"

"What?" It was his turn to knot his eyebrows.

"A mask and gloves? Really?" I groaned, burying my head into his chest, not liking this new formed headache. "Why didn't you just stay home?

"Because I knew you needed me, and this was the only way you'd let me inside," he chuckled, brushing my hair away from my face. "And you're burning up, baby."

"Because I'm sick, Jonathan. It's what the body does," I stopped to quickly grab some tissues, sneezing several times, "when it tries to fight off an infection."

He chose not to respond to me, and got up from the couch. I watched him disappear into the kitchen, only to come back a few minutes later with a tray in hand. On the tray sat a bowl of chicken noodle soup and crackers. Smiling up at him, I sat up more on the couch, as he set it down on my lap. He also brought a cup of tea. I thanked him, while slowly digging into the hot bowl of soup in front of me. As I sipped on the tea, Jon took away the tray after I ate majority of the soup and crackers.

From just eating that soup, I felt kind of better than I had before. Jon came back into the room, taking his spot behind me once again. He turned on the TV, switching it to the hockey channel. Adam's body flew across the screen in a highlight of his game last night, making me frown. I have not heard from him for the past couple days now. Just as that thought entered my head, the couch started ringing This Shit Get's Old. I then began my search for my phone, only to find it in between the cushions.

"Hello," I hacked, pulling the phone away.

"Awe, is my little Monkey sick?" He sounded worried.

"Yes. Addie, it sucks. I haven't been to a game in a week." I cuddled back up to Jon.

"Are you drinking plenty of water and eating some chicken noodle soup?"

"Yeah, Jon just came by, after I told him not to," I glared at the boy behind me. "He didn't listen to me and made me some soup."

"Well, that's good, but where's Jenni?"

"She's at work. She took a couple days off to take care of me, but she had to go back today."

"I'm sorry baby sister. I hope you get better."

"Thanks Adam, but why did you call?" I giggled.

"Because I haven't heard from you the past couple days, and I got kind of worried. Why, I can't call my baby sister now?"

"No, I was just wondering why you called."

"Well, now you know," he chuckled. "Now go get some rest. I love you, Monkey."

"I love you too, bye Addie." I hung up my phone and looked up at Jon.

"What?" He knotted his eyebrows once again.

"I look disgusting, and you're here to see me this way," I pouted.

"Is that all?" He laughed, while I nodded my head. "Well, come on then."

Standing up, he hooked his arms under my legs and around my shoulders, picking me up bridal style. I squealed with surprised, wrapping my arms around his broad shoulders. I did not ask him where he was taking me because I had a little feeling as to where we were going. After walking down the hallway, we entered the bathroom, where Jon sat me down on the toilet and started the bath water.

"Do you have any bubble bath?"

"Under the sink," I breathed, finding the warm heat hard to breathe through.

He took the bubble bath out of from under the sink, and poured quite a bit into the tub. Taking my hands, he pulled me to my feet, placing his hands under the hem of my shirt, gazing at me. I nodded my head, telling him it was okay to take it off. He slowly took my shirt off and my Tinkerbell pajama pants soon followed. Turning off the water, Jon ushered me in with my boy shorts and bra, making me smile at his gentleman ways. Once underneath the bubbles, I took off the rest of my clothing.

I then notice Jonathan take off his gloves, mask, shoes, socks, jeans, and shirt, leaving him in only his boxers. I bit my lip nervously, when he climbed in behind me, rubbing my sore muscles. Sighing, I relaxed under his touch. This felt amazing, but I smirked when I felt something else poking me in my lower back. I turned around, exposing my chest to him, and pressed a kiss to his neck.

"Someone's a little too excited," I whispered in his ear, wrapping my arms around his waist.

Groaning, he wrapped his arms around my back, running them up and down my spine. We sat there for some time in that position, before he got out getting us some clean clothes and so I could also wash myself in privacy. Plus, he knew once the soap hit the bubbles, it makes them dissolve, and him being the gentleman, he did not want to expose more than he already saw, until I think he knew I was ready for that step. After I was done with washing myself, I got out and wrapped a towel around me.

"Here you go, babe," Jon came in with a fresh pair of everything for me.

"Hey Jon," I spoke softly, making him stop before exiting the bathroom. "Thank you, for going against what I said, and coming to take care of me. And if I could, I would kiss you right now."

Smiling, he leaned down and kissed my cheek, "You're welcome, babe."  

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