Johnny's IceHouse

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  Three o'clock. Three o'clock and I am walking into Brayden's nursery in a haze. Shushing my crying son, I picked him up and started to rock him gently. Opening up the mini fridge, I grabbed one of the bottles with my breast milk that I pumped a few hours ago before falling into a blissful sleep. I would much rather bottle feed him when I am half asleep than have him breastfeed.

"Babe," Jon's voice slightly startled me. Turning around, I saw him rubbing his eyes in the doorway, no doubt in my mind he had only gotten a few hours of sleep because he had a game that ended around eleven. "Hand him over, I've got him. Go get some sleep."

"Me get some sleep?" I questioned, cocking my eyebrow up. "You just finished your game a few hours ago, you need more sleep than I do."

Shaking his head, he walked forward, and proceeded to take the baby from my arms. "I got it, just go get some sleep."

"Don't you have a morning skate? I would much rather me handle him and you get the sleep, Jon."

Why I had been arguing with him was beyond me. I have not had a good night sleep since the baby got here because Jon has been in and out of the city with games. Any mother would take up on this opportunity that the father is willing to take over the nightly feedings, but I am not just any mother because I know Jon has a weird schedule and I knew when I got pregnant it would be hard on me with it.

"Jon," my voice moaned again, not wanting to give up my son.

"I said I go it, babe," his smiled sleepily, before giving me a brief kiss on the lips.

"Fine," I sighed. "But don't over heat his bottle because then he won't take it if it's too hot."

"It's my first time with little man," he rolled his eyes at my worrying and gently pushed me out of the nursery.

He's right, this isn't his first time feeding our son. With the past six months, sure it has been mainly me, but Jon has taken our son from me any chance he got because of being in hockey season again, he has very little time with his new son. Walking back into our bedroom, I heard Jon softly speaking to Brayden over the baby monitor. Curling up in my nice comfy bed, I fell back asleep listening to Jon's voice along with my son's soft coos.

The second time I woke up, I took notice in the clock which read to be almost ten o'clock. Sitting up right, I listened to the baby monitor, trying to understand why Bray had not woken me up at his normal seven o'clock. Throwing the blankets off, I made my way quickly to the nursery, only to see an empty crib. Breathing heavily, I rushed back to the bedroom for my phone to call Jon. I then noticed the note on my bedside table next to my phone.

Jenni came and took Bray with her to your Mom's place before I left. We all agreed you need some rest, so I hope you got it. If you go down to the fridge, there is breakfast in there for you.
Love, Jonny

Breathing a sigh of relief, I smiled because of the love that surrounded me, and no doubt that I needed that rest. I made my way down the hallway to the stairs and into the kitchen. Opening the fridge, I jumped slightly at the note that hung from the top shelf.

I hope you in enjoy this.
Jonny ♥

I grinned as an assortment of my favorite fruits. Bananas, grapes, peaches, and strawberries. Taking out the platter, I set it on the counter where I found another note. I shoved a grape in my mouth when the note on the counter caught my attention. My eyebrow rose with suspicion that something was going on.

Good morning my love. I hope you are enjoying the silence and alone time.

Reading that one line made me realize how quiet it truly was. I felt too alone and the silence creeped me out. I'm so used to Brayden's coos or cries, making me miss my son.

I know you are probably missing Bray, but today is your day. I have a surprise for you. If you happen to go to the first place we met, I think you'll find something you've been missing.
Jonny ♥

As I finished reading, my phone vibrated next to me, singling I had a message. Looking down, I saw that it was from Jenni. Opening it, I noticed my bouncing boy in his walker at my mother's place, with a text.

Thought you might enjoy this picture, he's missing his mommy!

I replied back with, 'Doesn't look like it! Lol'.

After finishing my breakfast, I found myself standing in front of my closet, trying to find something to wear today. With the baby, I would have something simple put on so it would be easier for me to breastfeed him. Today though, today I felt like dressing up a little. I put on a nice pair of skinny jeans, one of my nice band tank-tops, before I placed my red high-tops on my feet. Going to the bathroom, I decided to curl my hair and add some natural color make-up to my face.

Smiling at my appearance, I grabbed my purse and keys before leaving the house. After locking the door, I got into my Escalade and made my way to the United Center. I pulled into the players' lot, before getting out of my SUV, I made a point to look for Jon's car to see if he was still here. The only car I saw was Patrick Kane's. Getting out, I walked over to his car to find it empty. Cocking an eyebrow confused, I turned around only to bump into a huge mass. I looked up to find my older brother standing before me.

"Hey, baby sis," Adam grinned.

"Adam!" I hugged him with all my might. I had not seen him since the baby shower, so I was excited to see his smiling face, but also confused. "What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be in Texas?"

"I have a day off today, thought I'd fly out to see my baby sister and my new nephew," he shrugged his shoulders like nothing was wrong.

"Why would you fly out for just a day though?"

"Just go with it, Monkey," he chuckled, handing me a piece of paper.

Confused, I glanced down at it, only to find my boyfriend's messy scrawl that I had been seeing all morning. I looked back up at Adam, to see him gone. I gazed around the parking lot, but could not see any sign of him. It almost felt as if he was not even there. I knew he had to have been there because his warmth from his hug felt real. Sighing, I put my focus back on the note from Jon.

I know you must be confused at what is going on, but I promise it will be worth it. Kaner will take you to the next destination.
Jonny ♥

"Hey Momma Bear," Patrick's voice surprised me. I quickly turned around and smacked his chest. "Ow!"

"You get the same treatment as everyone else when you sneak up on me, Kaner! Jonny does too!"

"You didn't have to hit me though!" He glared at me for hitting him.

"Do you want me to tackle you again?" I smirked up at him.

"That only happened once and because you took me by surprise!" He huffed, puffing out his chest. Before I continued banting with him, he stopped me. "Just get in the car, Kate."

I crossed my arms over my chest, "Why should I get in the car with you? You could be taking me to my death."

Rolling his eyes, he picked me up and threw me over his shoulder. Squealing, I grunted from how rough he was. He then opened up his passenger side door and placed me inside, nearly hitting the back of my head on the door frame. He quickly got to the other side, almost to make sure I didn't escape, and started up the car before backing up. For the rest of the ride, I stayed quiet with a scowl on my face and my arms crossed over my chest, pissed at Kaner for forcing me into the car.

"Sorry Kate, but we are on a time crunch," his voice flowed over the rap song playing in the background. "Captain said we should have left hours ago but I guess he didn't think you would sleep in so late."

I ignored him, making him groan. He knew I was pissed at him and there was nothing that he could say right now that would make it better. I took notice of us entering the city more, making our way to the street with many restaurants on it. I knew then that we were heading to the first place Jon and I had our first official date. Smiling at the memory that felt so long ago made me wonder what was really going on, which made me remember that my brother was here.

"Why's Adam here?" I questioned, forgetting my anger towards the right winger momentarily.

"Adam's here?" Patrick sounded surprised, but I knew he was faking it.

"Don't play dumb with me, Pat," I growled, pissed off once more.

Rolling his eyes, he parallel parked in a spot in front of Ramon's. Glancing at the restaurant, I really wanted to know what was going on. I soon found Patrick in front of me, holding out his hand for me after he opened the car door. Disregarding his hand, I got out of the car and walked to the door. Before I could open it, Patrick was right behind me pulling it open for me. Glaring at him, I stepped inside, to only be greeted by the hostess.

"Good afternoon, Mrs. Williams," she grinned, before handing me a slip of paper. "Mr. Williams asked for you to have this."

"Thanks," I breathed, perplexed about this whole thing.

I exhaled annoyed when I saw Jonathan's sloppy handwriting once again. This whole thing is starting to bug me. I wanted to know exactly what was going on, but at this point in time, I knew I would not get my answer. To be honest, all I wanted was to go home to spend Jon's day off with our son. Especially since playoffs are about to start and it may be the last time I will get to spend time with both of my men until after playoffs in June or July.

Don't be mad at Kaner, babe. He's just playing his role in your surprise. Have lunch on me at our favorite place.
Jonny ♥
P.S. Tell Kaner he's paying for his own lunch.

"Damn, I was hoping he'd pay for mine too," Patrick's murmured.

I elbowed him in his stomach, making him grunt in response. The hostess smiled at us and showed us to our table. Sitting down, I finally glanced at Patrick. His curls still damp from the shower after his morning skate, wearing a nice collared shirt, and some nice jeans. My eyebrows knitted together, showing him that I wanted to know what was going on. Before I could ask, the waiter soon came over with a glass of white wine, more than likely my favorite. He smiled at me and then took Pat's drink order and asked if we were ready to order. I knew what I wanted right away, which was their prime rib, which was the best I have ever had. I did not take notice in what Patrick order because I did not care, and the fact my phone started vibrating. Digging it out of my purse, I saw Jenni had texted me another picture of my baby boy.

"You'll see him soon," Patrick's voice snapped me away from the photo of my son in his car seat in the back of Jenni's car.

"It's the fact he's in the car with Jenni, scares me more than actually me missing him," I chuckled, placing my phone back in my purse.

"That's true," he laughed with me.

"What's going on Pat?" I sighed, looking at blue eyed man in front of me.

He just shrugged his broad shoulders, not saying a word. I huffed, crossing my arms over my chest once more. I had a feeling if I continued doing this, I would turn into a statue for staying in this position all day long. Soon our food came and we enjoyed it. By the time I finished my second glass of wine, Patrick's bill came. He handed me a slip of paper, making me look at him confused because I had assumed Jon had left his credit card information for them to charge my order to. It was another not with Jonathan's manuscript.

Let's test your French, my love.
Allez à l'endroit où je vous ai demandé d'être à moi et vous y trouverez votre surprise.
Amour, Jonny ♥

"So, where are we going?" Patrick questioned, making me glance up towards him.

"You mean you don't know?" I bit my lip, trying to figure what the fuck Jonathan wrote in French.

"No, he said you would know."

Groaning, I tried to read the note once more. "I'm trying to figure it, but he fucking wrote it French!"

"Didn't he start teaching you French since you first started dating?"

"Yes! But he never taught me the written language," I growled, placing the note on the table in a huff.

I noticed he looked at his watch before his eyes widen a little. I glanced at mine to find it to be almost five o'clock.

"Got a hot date, Kaner?" I smirked, feeling him start to get somewhat antsy.

"Just figure out where we have to go, Kaitlyn," he hissed, telling me I hit a soft spot.

Ashely broke up with him after his schedule became too much for her a few months ago. He is still pretty beat up about it, but has somewhat got his game back on. I felt sorry for him because he is an awesome guy and did not deserve to be broken up in the way he was. I started studying the note once more, finally realizing what it said.

"We need to go to Johnny's?" I questioned, more than stated.

"Alright, let's go," Patrick got up and started headed for the door, before I could even comprehend what was happening.

I quickly gathered my purse and made my way after him, almost tripping over a chair leg. I got into his car right before he pulled away from the crib. Man, did I really tick him off, I thought. We soon made our way to Johnny's IceHouse, making me think back to the night Jon asked me to be his girlfriend, only to make me wonder more what he could have cooked up this time. Pulling into the parking lot, I saw Jon's car, along with several others. Before I could exit the car, everything went dark.

"Take this blindfold off me, Patrick Timothy Kane," I spoke through a tight jaw, angry he would put one on me in the first place.

"How do you know my middle name?" Pat inquired, shocked.

"I'm a journalist, I know more about you than you would like," I shrugged my shoulders.

The only reply I got back was his car door shutting and the next thing I knew, he opened my door and pulled me gently out by my arm. Sigh, I let him take me to what I presume my death. Once the bitterness of the ice hit my nostrils, I knew we were inside the rink area. I always hated this feeling because it always made my nose run like no tomorrow, even with growing up on the ice. Before I knew what was happening the blindfold was taken off and I stared at the scene before me.

Rose petals scattered onto the ice. Jonathan standing in the middle of it all. He smiled his adorable half smile when he saw me. I could feel the dirty look I was giving him right now. That was until what the rose petals spelled out.

Be mine forever?

I felt tears trickle down my cheeks as I saw Jon get down on one knee. I got out on the ice and slide as quickly as I could, without slipping, over to him. He smiled up at me with the ring glistening off the ice. I cupped his face with my hands and brought my lips to his in a passionate kiss.

"Yes," I breathed in the bitter cold air as I gave him my answer.

Hoots and hollers went around the rink as our family and friends stepped out from behind the glass with ice skates on, as Jonathan placed the ring on my finger. My older brother carrying his bundled up nephew to us. My fiancé engulfed me into a hug as everyone surrounded our small family. Today could not have been more confusing, yet rewarding day.  

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