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  Jon has been away now in Florida for a game against the Tampa Bay Lightning, and it could not have been the worse time for him to be away. I have been in labor for a good few hours now and he has yet to hit the ice. Though, he will be hitting the ice in about fifteen minutes. With the start of the game being projected from the TV in the room, my mom stood at my side because she did not want me to be alone around my due date, which happened to be another week away. She decided to come down last week since Jonathan would be away on a two week road trip.

"Alright, Kaitlyn, let's go ahead and check how many centimeters you are at now," Dr. Tran smiled as she walked inside the room.

How she could be smiling right now is beyond me. I was for sure crushing my mom's hand at this point in time because I could see how purple and red her hand was. Mom sat there smiling at me as well and I just scowled at the two of them as I placed my legs in the stirrups.

"It looks like it might be time for you to start pushing!"

How one could be excited about pushing out a pumpkin through their womanly parts is amazing to me. I want to die right now because this is the most intense pain I have ever been through. I could not get any pain medicine because I got into the hospital after I hit five centimeters and my water had already broke.


"Have you and Jon came up with a name yet?" Mom questioned, as she held her grandson.

"Brayden Michael," I sighed, watching the boys skate out for the second quarter. They were down by two.

"Everyone!" Boomed the announcer's voice from the television. "I would like to announce that Jonathon Toews is now a proud father to a little boy!"

I gaped at the screen, wondering how the announcer knew about me giving birth a few minutes ago. I began to cry once I saw Jonathon's shock face and how Kane nudged him with his shoulder. The whole team began to cheer and the stands clapped, even if it was for the other team's captain. As the game continued, I noticed Jon's game had changed and he worked harder, scoring two goals and tying the game two to two. It seemed as if the whole team's vibe had changed since the announcement.

"Katie!" Jenni came stumbling in, grinning. "They finally allowed me to come see the baby! What's his name?"

"It was you!" I exclaimed, pointing at one of my best friends.

"What was me?" She looked confused, but smiled at me.

"Brayden Michael," I giggled, pushing the fact that she had called someone at the center in Florida to inform my boyfriend his baby boy had enter the world.

Later, I found myself watching Jonathon do several interviews, mainly on his son being born. His bright smiling face made my own smile shine, especially once the nurse brought back Brayden. He cooed at me, showing me his bright brown eyes that reminded me of Jon. After a few, the nurse came back to take him away from me, making me feel lost, but not for too long because I found myself falling asleep. The next time I woke up, however, I heard voices.

"How's she doing?" Jon's voice flowed through my ears, surprising me.

"She's been asleep for a while now, she was exhausted," mom answered him.

"Jon," my groggy voice came through my lips, as I rubbed my eyes to rid my vision of its blurriness.

"Hey, babe," he smiled brightly at me from the chair at the foot of the bed.

It took me a minute to register that he had Brayden in his arms, but once I realized, I grinned. That moment seeing him holding his son could not compare to any other moment between us. I did not think it was possible but he had a new smile, a smile only for his son. Once he glanced up at me, his smile changed to my half smile that I adore so much. Nothing could come close to how much I cherish this moment, but then something dawned on me.

"Wait," I glanced at him confused. "How are you here?"

He chuckled, grinning broadly, "Couch sent me home early."

"Remind me to send him a gift basket or something later."  

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