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*Jonathan's POV*

  Hearing her moan out my name made me go over the edge. With irregular breaths, she rolled off from on top of me. I wrapped my arms around her, pulling her against me. This was our fourth time having sex and I have to say, every time was the best yet. I felt her nibble on my neck again, making me groan.

"Unless you want another go, I suggest you stop that." I pulled her tighter against me. All I got in response was a giggle. I shook my head and kissed her forehead.

"I've missed you," she snuggled her face into my neck. "Since you've been on the road for a while and I was at home for Valentine's day. I've missed you."

Before I could get anything out, my bedroom door burst open, causing Kaitlyn to scream and grab for the blanket. Covering ourselves up, we glared at the smirking Brittany.

"What the fuck, Brit!" Kate exclaimed, sitting up and crossing her arms over her chest, keeping the covers from falling.

"Kaner said I could come in and get you," she just continued to smirk.

"You're starting to creep me out."

"I told you they were fucking!" Kaner walked up next to her, smirking at us as well.

"Will you guys just leave so we can get dress or something?" I could just feel my cheeks burning.

"I don't know, should we?" Pat grinned towards Brittany.

"As much as you want to see my big sissy naked, Kaner, I really don't want to see Jonny Boy naked."

I glared at a horror stricken Patrick, while Brit walked away. Pat shook his head, telling me that he didn't want to see my girlfriend naked, and quickly walked away after shutting the door. Glancing at each other, Kate and I both fell back laughing. The banging on the door stopped our laughter though.

"Hurry up though, Katie!" Brittany hollered from the other side. "We have to go Christmas shopping!"

Shaking her head at her little sister, she got up and gathered her clothing. I did the same. After we got dressed, we stood by the door, smiling at each other. Promising to see each other tomorrow after practice, we kissed each other goodbye. I walked her out the door, along with Brittany, and when I turned around I saw a smirking Patrick.

"So, you want to see my girlfriend naked?" I cocked an eyebrow, crossing my arms over my chest.

That wiped the smirk right off his face and he shook his head once again. "No I don't man! I have a girl for my own!"

"The girl that stood you up three weeks ago?"

"She said she was sorry!"

"And how many times have you told that to a girl, Pat?"

"This isn't about me," he growled, walking away. I just shook my head, and sat down on the sofa to watch some TV.


I knocked on the door once again. I have been standing outside Kaitlyn's apartment for a good ten minutes now, waiting for her to open up. She never called me yesterday after practice, or this morning after the morning skate. She hasn't even answered my texts, which got me to worry. Knocking one last time, the door soon swung open, but Jenni stood there with tussled hair and smeared make-up.

"Jon?" She looked at me weirdly.

"Yeah, hey." I rubbed the back of my neck, biting the inside of my lip when I saw Crawford walk into view. It's obvious I interrupted something. "Sorry if I interrupted something, but I was wondering if Kate was home?"

"She hasn't been home for two days now. I thought she was with you?"

"No, I haven't heard from her since a day ago." I stared back her confused. "We were supposed to meet up yesterday after practice, but I never heard from her."

"She was home yesterday morning and told me she was going to meet you at the rink around noon-ish."

"So Katie's missing?" Corey questioned, wrapping and arm around Jenni's waist. I should be doing that to Kate right now.

Jenni's voice broke my train of thought. "I'm sure she's not missing," she laughed, before looking at me worriedly. "Have you tried calling, texting?"

"Over fifty times now."


"I tried everyone. No one has seen or heard from her in the past two days." I ran my hand through my hair.

"Maybe she went up to the cabin in Utica." Jenni bit her bottom lip. "She usually goes there when she wants some alone time and that's where she went last time we couldn't find her."

"Wouldn't she have at least told someone, or Jon more likely that she's going so we don't worry?" Corey inquired.

"I guess you're right...," she sighed, not knowing what else to say. "But don't worry so much about it Jon, she'll be home probably tonight. This really isn't unlike her. She's done it before."

I nodded my head, told them goodbye, and then made my way to the elevator. How can I not worry about her? Somehow, I knew this wasn't one of those times Kaitlyn just gets away. I have a feeling something bad has happened to her and I just don't know what though.  

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