Up and At Them

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  I have been out of the hospital for a few weeks now and have been put on bed rest because it was still a possibility that I could lose the baby. Jon has been on the road since I got out of the hospital. We haven't talked much since he left and he comes home tomorrow. I think this whole baby deal has him kind of scared. I don't mean losing it, but having one in general. To be honest, I don't believe he will come see me tomorrow.

"What's up, little sis?" Nikki took a seat next to me on the couch.

Glancing at my sister, my eyes teared up. I haven't told her how much distance Jon has put between us lately and I am scared to do so. She may give him a vagina for all I know. By looking at her again, it felt like she already knew though and wrapped her arms around me. She held me as I cried. A cry well overdue.

"Tell me what he's done," Nikki softly questioned, after I calmed down.

I took a deep breath before I answered so I could speak without crying again, "he just seems so distance from me than before everything happened."

"What do you mean?"

"He hasn't called me every night like he normal does while he is away for games. Especially for this long."

"Well he comes home tomorrow. He will come see you." She rubbed my back.

"See, I don't think he will," I started crying once again.


Tomorrow finally came and I sat waiting in the living room of Jon and Kaner's apartment, along with Ashely. Since the boys have left, we have found ourselves becoming good friends. I wouldn't call us best friends quite yet because I still don't like that she left my poor Kaner sitting at a restaurant for hours on end.

The door squeaked open and in walked Patrick, but no Jon. Ashley ran into his embrace, making me wish Jon was here even more because I would kill to be in his arms right now. Once the two love birds had their reunion, Patrick turned to me and smiled slightly. Almost telling me he was sorry. This told me some bad news was about to come.

"Where's Jon?" I bit the inside of my cheek. A new habit I formed since I couldn't bite my lip for awhile so it could heal.

"He had some things to go over with coach at his office, so he said he wasn't going to be home until later tonight."

"Oh. Okay," I ran my hand through my hair, before limping to the door. "If you are up and still here when he gets home, tell him to call me please."

"Of course," Pat hugged me before I crutched out the door.


"I just don't know what to do, Addie," I sighed into the phone. I called Adam as soon as I got home.

"You have to give him some time, Monkey. We all thought that we lost you and then we find out you were as bad off as you were and then we find out you're pregnant and the bastard almost caused you to lose the baby. He just need some time to think about what has happened." As he said this, I heard the apartment door being open.

"It's been almost three weeks, how much time does he need? Because I could really use him while I am going through all this as well. It's just not him who is going through this, it's me too," I let out a shaky breath as the tears started to flow down my cheeks.

"Listen, Monkey," I paid no attention to anything Adam was saying on the other line because I sat stirring at Jon's form standing in front of me.


"No, I know he really hasn't been there but..."

"No, Adam I have to go. He's here." My eyes stayed locked on his body. He looked mad.

"Oh, okay. Call me later. Give him time. Love you, Monkey."

I hung up without telling him I loved him, but I knew he didn't mind. I bit my cheek again, while he still stood in the living room. He stood there sometime, just staring at me, while I stared at him. No one made a move. I could feel the tears welling up before I could stop them, they seeped through. Sighing, Jon came forward and held out his hand.

"I know you must be upset with me, but will you come somewhere with me?"

I nodded my head and took his hand. He helped me off the couch, out the door, and into his car. We drove for sometime and not a word was said between us. This only upset me more, but I fought back the tears as hard as I could. Silence. That's all I could hear. He did have the radio on but all I heard was silence. Deaf defending silence.

We soon stopped after what felt like hours, in a neighbor I have never seen or been in. Jon soon pulled up into a driveway of a huge two story house. I glanced at him and saw my smirk. Relief flooded over me for some reason. Even though I was still upset.

"Where are we?" My voice came out horsed and soft.

"I have something I wanted to show you." Jon started to get out of the car, but not before grabbing my crutches.

He came to my side of the car and helped me out of it. We walked to the front door. Jon pulled out keys and entered them into the doorknob.

"Do I know who lives here?" I questioned him as we walked into the foyer. The house seemed empty, besides a few boxes here and there. I looked at him confused, "Jon?"

He said nothing and led me down the hallway. We passed by the kitchen, living room, and dinning room. It was a beautiful home. We came upon a closed door near the back of the house. Jon held onto the doorknob and looked kind of nervous. Breathing deeply, he turned the knob and pushed open the door. I followed inside, only to gasp at what I saw. Crib. Rocking chair. Changing table. It was a nursery.

"I'm sorry I've been so distant," Jon finally spoke through the silence.

I peeked over at Jon. He had his serious face on. He walked forward and wrapped his arms around me, resting his forehead against mine.

"It's fine."

"No," his face soften. "I shouldn't have been so distant. I added extra stress to you and the baby. Stress you didn't need. I just wanted to find a perfect house for the three of us."

I kissed him. Hard and deep. Oh how I have missed his lips on mine. We both held onto each other. We needed each other. I needed him more than anything these past two weeks and I finally have him back.

"So what do you say?" He smirked, while wiping away my tears.

"I love you," I grinned up at him, before capturing him another heated kiss.  

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