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  "Jenni! I'm home!" I shouted throughout the house, dropping my duffel bag on the floor.

Before I got an answer from my roommate, I heard a soft barking coming from the living room. As I took a step closer, I heard nails against the hard wood floor, running towards me. Cocking my head confused, I looked around for the source. Not finding one, I took another step, only to be stopped by something jumping onto my legs. Glancing down, I saw the cutest Golden Retriever puppy ever.

"Well aren't you the cutest thing ever," I giggled, after I picked it up and it started licking my face. Before too long, another set of nails were heard running towards the door. "Two of you? Where is that Jenni."

"Right here!" Jenni jumped out of nowhere, making me squeal with surprise. "And I see you've meet you're puppy," she smiled.

"My puppy?" I questioned, looking at the puppy in my arms.

"Yeah, I went out and got us puppies! I got lonely while you were away, I just saw these two, and I couldn't resist," she giggled, picking up the other Golden Retriever that had lighter fur than the one in my arms. "This is Abby. Yours is unnamed for now."

"Well thank you for letting me name my own puppy, in which you got for me," I laughed, grinning up at my best friend. Glancing at the now sleeping puppy, my grin only grew. "How about rhyming names? Like Abby and Cady?"

"I like it!" She smiled, nodding her head.

Stepping away from the door, I ventured to the living room, only to stop when our door burst open. I turned towards the door to see Patrick Kane walk in like he owned the place, with Jonathan Toews soon following behind him. Not saying a word, Patrick brought me into a hug, only to make the sleeping puppy wide awake. Cady growled, before he quickly released his arms around my body, making me laugh.

"It bit me!" Patrick exclaimed, pointing at the glaring puppy, and then lifting his shirt to show light red marks on his side.

"It's name is Cady, and it had every right in doing so," I rolled my eyes, while taking a seat on the couch. "What are you two doing here?"

"He dragged me here just so he could see you, and I told him to knock, but does he ever listen to me, nope," Jon sighed, taking a seat next to me.

Cady glanced at the man sitting next to me, gave him her best puppy face, and pounced onto his lap and licked his face. I shook my head laughing at my silly new dog. At first, Jon looked mortified, but soon cracked a small smile, chuckled, and tried to get the loveable puppy away from his face.

"Awe, she likes you Captain," I smirked, picking her up, and setting her down by our feet.

"Yeah, well I bet she likes me too! I just scared her," Patrick smiled, sticking his hand near the puppy's face, only to pull back quickly once she growled at him.

"I'll take that as a no, Pat," I laughed, petting her head. Glancing back up at the scared looking Patrick, I studied his face. "So, you wanted to see me?"

"Uh, yeah, I haven't seen you in like a week! I miss my best friend," he pouted, rubbing the back of his neck.

"You could have just told me that, Pat. I would have made plans with you once I got back, not as soon as I walk through the door."

Opening his mouth to answer me, he closed it when he heard a voice from the kitchen. "Kaitlyn, would you care to explain why Patrick Kane and Jonathan Toews of the Blackhawks, are in our living room?"

I bit my lip, as I turned to look at her. She had her hands on her hips, with her eyebrow cocked, "Well, long story short, Jon is the Jon that gave me the ride home that night when you called while you were away."

"And you haven't told me this, because?"

"It slipped my mind, I'm sorry Jenni," I smiled, making her roll her eyes.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, next time don't let it happen again," she glared at me, before smiling.

"Guys," I giggled. "Meet my best friend and roommate Jenni, Jenni, you obviously know the boys."

"Hey," Jon smiled.

"What's up," Pat smirked.

"She's a goalie girl, so I wouldn't try it Kaner," I let my own smirk shine through.

He just shrugged his shoulders, before taking a seat next to Jon, avoiding Cady at all cost. We sat and caught up with each other, before my phone started to ring. Noticing the ringtone to be NeverShotNever's This Shit Get's Old, I sighed, realizing I had forgotten to call Adam when I got in. However, Pat thought it would be funny to answer my phone again.

"Burish! How it goes man?... Well fine then, I didn't want to talk to you anyways!" He huffed, before handing the phone over to me.

"Hey Adam," I bit my lip, knowing he still was not happy with me.

"Why didn't you call me?"

"Well, apparently Jenni bought me an adorable little puppy! I'll send you pictures later, and then Tazer and Kaner decided to show up unannounced," I glared at the two boys.

"Yeah, okay," he sighed on the other end. "You didn't go and meet him, did you?"

"I did," I sat back, waiting for the screaming to begin.

"Kaitlyn! Why would you even think of going to see that bastard?"

"Because, things were unsaid between us, and um, well, I'm seeing him again," Adam cut me off before I could continue.

"What! You have got to be kidding me Kaitlyn! After everything he put you through?"

I glanced at boys, to see Patrick's curious expression, while Jon looked less than please, before they turned back to carry on their conversation with Jenni. Why Jon gave me that look, I have no idea because the only people who knew about Bruce were my friends and brother. Once Makayla and Shannon found out, they shunned me for the last day I was there, but gave me a nice farewell at the airport.

"He's changed Adam, I believe he has, I know he has, and I trust him like I did last time," I sighed, running my hands through my hair.

"Yeah, like you trusted him up until he beat the fucking shit out of you," he growled, making my bit my lip again.

"Actually, he didn't do it to that extent. Just a few cuts and bruises," I mumbled, taking a glance at the now both curious gazes of the two hockey players.

"Who are you? Because you most certainly are not my sister, and when you hear from her, have her call me back. Until then, don't contact me." He hung up soon after, making my breath hitch in my throat.

I stared at my phone, fighting back tears. Never ever have Adam and I gotten into a fight this big, where neither one of us wanted to speak to the other. We always could talk each other out of doing what the other planned to do. Rolling my eyes, I sneered at my phone, before placing it back on the coffee table.

"You okay Kate?" Jon's voice broke my staring contest with the object on the table.

"Just fine," I faked a bright smile his way, before getting up and picking up my sleeping Cady.

"If you say so," Patrick quirked an eyebrow, watching as I turned my back to the three of them.

"I'm gonna go take a nap, Jenni, wake me up later," I sighed, walking down the hallway to my bedroom.  

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