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*Adam POV*

  I glared at my once Captain. The doctor was long gone, telling us that only two, the max of four, at a time could see her now. How could he get my baby sister pregnant? I charged at the young hockey star.

"How could you get my baby sister pregnant, Toews," I growled, trying to grab him by the shirt, but Patrick came to his rescue, as well as Brittany. They each had a hold of my arms. Jenni and Makayla came to Brittany's side to help her hold me back. My eyes pierced through his. He showed no fear of me. He showed shock, but overall worry. Shaking my head, I tried to shake everyone off of me. "Get off of me."

"Promise me you won't hurt him," Brittany scowled, showing me her disapproval for this displacement of anger. I softened my gaze to hers.

"I won't hurt him."

She searched my face for any reason she should still keep a hold on me. After she saw none, she let me go, as well as everyone else; Patrick being the last. I didn't glance at Toews as I sat next to him. When I did, however, he was deep in thought.

"I don't think I'm the father," Jon mumbled, causing all eyes on him once again.

"What do you mean you don't think you're the father? I heard you guys just the other night!" Jenni laughed, shaking her head.

"Yeah! And I walked in on you guys the other day!" Brittany giggled.

"I didn't need to know that." I shot her a look, but she just grinned.

"Who else could be the father, Jon? I mean you two have been together for several months now," Pat added, wondering what was going through his head, as was I.

"Are you telling me you think my baby sister cheated on you?" I sneered. "I mean we obviously have clear proof you've fucked my sister enough times to be the father."

"All I'm saying," Jon raked his hand though his hair. I noticed how flushed he was. "It depends on how far along she is because we both made sure I wore a condom every time. Maybe one broke, I don't know. But I do know Bruce," the way he said his name, I knew whatever was about to come out of his mouth next was not going to very pretty. "Bruce didn't use anything. She told me he would force her into it. Told her how it was so much better without one."

"Why do I have a feeling he was behind all of this?" The new voice of Patrick Sharp rang through, scaring all of us. Turning around, we saw not only him, but his very pregnant wife, Abby.

"When the fuck did you guys get here?" Patrick grinned, shaking his head.

"When Burish here tried to attack Jonny-boy," Sharpie laughed, patting Jon's shoulder.

"So, who's going first?" Shannon asked, looking between all of us.

"Doctor told me she wanted to see someone named Derek first," I shrugged my shoulders, not knowing who this Derek fellow was.

"Who's Derek?" Brittany knotted her eyebrows together, confused. "She always tells me about her new friends." She pouted.

"I'm Derek," we all turned towards the voice. There stood a punk looking guy about Brittany's age, in basketball shorts and a tight jacket, showing off his muscles. He has to play some sport.

"Hi Derek!" Brittany snickered, waving.

"Who are you?" Jon glared at him, showing his dislike for the guy.

"Derek," he chuckled, earning a deeper glare from Jonathan. "Are you coming too? Because I'm sure she's dying to see you too."

"Yeah, yeah, I'm coming too," he rolled his eyes, standing up.

We watched them walk to the nurse's station and then through the double doors. Something was off about that guy. I just can't put my finger on it though.

"He plays hockey," Jenni announced. We turned our gazes on her. "And he's gay."

"How do you know all that?" Brittany questioned, amazed.

"I can just tell," she shrugged her shoulders.

I shook my head, and settled in to wait for my turn to see my baby sister. And to learn who that Derek guy was.  

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