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*Makayla's POV*

"Kate! Come on, the game's about to start!" I called out to my best friend as I sat down next to Shannon. Soon, Jim Cornelison started singing the National Anthem, and Kaitlyn has yet to come out of guest room. "Kaitlyn! What's taking you so long?"

"Come on, let's go check on her," Shannon sighed, standing up.

I stood up with her and walked to the back room. When we opened the door, we saw Kaitlyn staring at her phone that lay on the bed in front of her. Shannon and I glanced at each other confused, before we stepped towards her.

"Kate?" Shannon questioned, taking a seat next to her.

"What's wrong?" I took the other seat beside her.

Without saying anything, she grabbed her phone and started pressing buttons. Soon, her voicemail came through her speaking, telling us she had one new message. She then set it back down on the bed.

"Hey Lynn, it's Bruce," the man who caused my best friend pain flooded through the speaker, "I was just calling because I know you're in town, I saw you at the airport the other day. I was wondering if you would like to get lunch with me tomorrow. Yeah, I know you don't want anything to do with me after what happened, but I have gotten help. And kind of have to tell you something important. So I'll meet you at our diner tomorrow at noon, if you're not there, then I'll know not to bother you anymore. Bye."

"That bastard has the fucking nerve to say not to bother you anymore!" Shannon glared at the device, "The whole reason you changed your number was because of that douchebag!"

"You're not going to meet him, are you Kate?" I bit my lip, looking at her.

"I don't think so," she ran her hand through her hair, shaking her head.

"Good, he doesn't deserve to even speak to you again," Shannon growled, taking Kaitlyn's arm, "Come on girly, let's go watch the Penguins get schooled by the Hawks. Hell, we might even see Brittany on the jumbotron."

"If I know my little sister, she'll do anything not to get on there," Kaitlyn laughed, shaking her head as Shannon dragged her out of the room.


The next morning, I found myself being woken up by a heavy object lying on top of me. Groaning, I tried to push whatever the object to be off of me, but what scared me the most was when this said object licked my cheek. I screamed, jolting up with a force, knocking the object off of me, and I ended up landing on the floor with a thud.

"Did you have to freak out?" I heard Shannon's voice come from my bed, "You made me hit my head on your headboard."

"Yeah, well you made me fall off my bed," I sat up, glaring at her, "And did you really have to lick me?"

"You wouldn't wake up, so I decided to lick you," she grinned proudly of herself.

"Why are you here so early?" I rubbed my eyes to get rid of the sleep.

"It's eleven thirty, and I came to see what we were doing for today, but I guess it's just you and me because Kaitlyn isn't here."

"What do you mean Kaitlyn isn't here?" My gaze snapped towards her.

"I went to wake her up first so I'd have help waking you up, but she isn't here," she shrugged her shoulders.

"And do you know why she isn't here?"

"Because she got hungry and wanted food?"

"Well, probably, but do you know why she left this morning?"

"She, uh, wanted to get refried beans?" Shannon looked at me confused trying to see what I was getting at.

I slapped the back of her head, rolling my eyes, "No you idiot! She went to go see that stupid bastard named Bruce!"

"What!" Her eyes widen with realization.

"Yeah, now come on, lets go to the diner," I sighed, throwing on some random shorts and a shirt, before we head out.

"Wait! Do you still have those wigs?" Shannon asked before we left the apartment.

"Yeah, why?" I cocked an eyebrow confused.

"She's going to realize that it's us, we have to have some form of disguise!"


Shannon and I successively made it in the diner without Kaitlyn noticing us. Well, I did have short blond hair and Shannon now has long brown hair. We also got the booth right behind them, but we made sure that we sat behind Kaitlyn and not Bruce. We quickly ordered our food and drinks so the waiter would leave.

"So, what was so important you couldn't tell me over the phone?" We heard Kaitlyn's voice inquire.

"It's about Casey," Bruce sighed.

"What about your sister? Is she alright, I haven't heard from her in a while?"

"No actually, she's been in and out of the hospital, she apparently has some kind of illness the doctors haven't seen in a while."

I glanced across the table at Shannon, who gave me the same look I gave her. We did not believe this one bit. Why would he tell her this and not his sister, since she had been talking to her? Something just did not sound right about this whole situation.

"What?" Kaitlyn gasped, "Is there anything that I could do?"

Typical Kaitlyn.

"Just... just be there to help me cope? I don't know what I would do without my sister."

Typical Bruce. I rolled my eyes at his idiotic lines. Knowing my best friend, she would fall for any line. I love her, but she can be a little too gullible at times.


"She fell for that?" Brittany's mouth fell agape.

"It's Kaitlyn," Jenni sighed.

"So everyone has tried Adam, but don't they have another sister?" Jon questioned, making all us girls groan.

"No," I shook my head, "That's a big N. O. Captain."

"Yeah, they haven't talked in about two years," Jenni rolled her eyes.

"Why?" Patrick quirked an eyebrow.

"Not our place to say," Shannon shrugged, "But the only time they hear about each other is from Adam or their parents. They want nothing to do with each other."

"And they were close once though," Brittany added, "But Kaitlyn has always been closer to Adam than Nikki."

I smirked, coming up with a great idea how to do this intervention. Shannon glanced at me like I had two heads, but then she soon matched my smirk, as did the other two girls. Jon and Pat looked between all us girls worried at what could be going through our heads.

"I have an idea to fix not only this," I breathed, "But to fix the Nikki and Kaitlyn problem. Shannon call Adam, even if he doesn't answer leave him a message. Brittany, find out where Kaitlyn goes every day and what time she leaves in the morning. Jon and Patrick, find some ski masks and black outfits. Jenni and I will call Nikki."  

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