Burning Pain

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  Before I opened my eyes, I felt someone standing over me. I breathed in deeply before opening them. Breathing in deeply was not the brightest idea with broken ribs. I hissed in pain and recoiled from the friendly touch. When the pain subsided, I peered up at the man who saved my life. Derek. Memories from the past day came flooding through.

"You slut!" Bruce kicked me repeatedly in the side. "You left me for some gay hockey player!"

I stayed in the ball I put myself in. He continued to kick me. I still do not know how I got here in the first place. All I remember was walking into the parking garage at my apartment and then being grabbed and stuffed in the back of a van. The next thing I remember is being strapped to a chair while Bruce made small slices along my face and body.

I had gotten loose from the chair when Bruce was away, but he came home right as the last rope fell to the floor. He then punished me by throwing me into the wall. This time without the duct tape over my mouth, I screamed with all my might. That is when Derek came inside to see what his so called friend and roommate was really doing with the girl inside the closed off room.

I heard Bruce tell him that I am shy and do not like being around new people so that is why I stayed inside his room all the time, when I had been staying inside their apartment. Before he moved me to the warehouse. Derek looked inside, shocked to really see what was going on. He rushed forward and threw Bruce off of me. He then started to beat the shit out of him. I faded in and out of conscience.

The next thing I remember is waking up in the hospital. According to the police officer that talked to me I had called Jon while fading in and out of conscience. The officer also informed me that they have caught Bruce. I lightly smiled at Derek.

"Thank you for saving me."

"He saved you?" Jon's voice surprised me, causing a jolt of pain shoot through my body. He noticed my discomfort and took large strides to the side of my bed.

"What have I told you about sneaking up on me like that," I smiled, grabbing his hand.

"Not to do it." He chuckled and ran his other hand through my hair.

"And to answer your question, yes Derek saved me from Bruce."

"I knew he was behind all of this," he hissed.

"I'll let you two catch up," Derek smiled at the two of us. "I'm glad you're okay and didn't lose the baby."

My eyes widen because if he knew about the baby, then Jon must know as well. I looked towards him and he nodded his head. I sighed and bit my lower lip, but stopped once the cut Bruce made it opened up again.

"Babe!" Jon sighed, getting a gaze to cover the open wound. He stopped Derek before he left and asked him to get the nurse to come in. "I can't believe this happened to you."

Jonathan looked like he was about to cry, but before a tear dropped, my brother walked through the door.

"Monkey," he closed his eyes before he opened them and took in my appearance. "Did they at least get the bastard because if they didn't, I'll go find him and kill him myself."

"The officer told me that they had found him."


Soon the rest of my friends came in and out of my room. The last two people who entered were Patrick Kane and his girl. So this is the girl that stood him up forever ago. I narrowed my eyes at her, while she shyly walked through the door.

"Katie, thank God you're awake!" He sighed with relief, lightly giving me a hug before returning to the girl I am still staring daggers at.

"Is this the girl that stood you up?" It came out of my mouth before I could stop it.

"I had every right to," the girl spoke, glaring at me now. "When a hockey player wants you to meet them at a fancy restaurant, someone might tend to think that it's a joke, when in reality it really wasn't. Because someone might think he isn't attracted to you because of the way you look."

My jaw dropped before a smile came though. I liked this girl. I then took in her appearance. She looked beautiful. Long brown hair, bright rosy cheeks, perfect white teeth, and she had a rocking body.

"What's your name," I chuckled.

"Ashley," she gave me a confused look.

"Well Ashley, I like you. And don't worry about your appearance. I can see why Kaner likes you so much."

She smiled and blushed a little. "Thank you."

"So about this baby?" Jon voiced, staring down at me. "Did they say how far along you are?"

"Two weeks," I bit my lip, wincing from the now closed wound I had opened up. The nurse had came in to stitch me up before more people came in.

"That means it is Jon's." Pat smiled.

"Of course it's Jon's, who'd you think it was," I looked at all four of them confused.

"Bruce's," Jon hissed, lightly squeezing my hand.

"No, you don't remember that time when you came back home after Valentine's day? We forgot to use a condom that time, and after they told me I was pregnant, I realized I forgot to take my birth control a few times that month."

"At least it's his and not Bruce's," Adam smiled, running his hand through my hair.

The nurse soon came in to tell them that visiting hours were over and they will start back up in the morning at nine. Both Adam and Jon promised to be back at nine tomorrow and I did not have the will power to fight with them in missing some important practice time.

"I love you," Jon whispered in my hair, while he kissed my forehead. He met my gaze.

My smile widen for the first time in days. "I love you too, Jonathan."  

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