Moving Day

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  I stood in my apartment that I shared with not only Jenni, but as well as Brittany. She had moved in a while ago. I stood counting the boxes in the living room. It was moving day.

"One, two, three," I counted softly to myself. Only to come up with three more boxes than I originally had set out here.

"What's the matter?" Jon watched me recount the boxes over and over again, not answering him. "Babe?"

"There are an extra three boxes that I don't remember packing," I glanced up at him confused. "Unless I am counting wrong."

"How many is there suppose to be?" He chuckled, and started counting for himself.


"Huh. Well you are not counting wrong. There is definitely seven boxes," his laugh rung in my ears once again.

Before I could question him about the extra boxes, Brittany came bouncing out of her room with a couple small boxes. We stared at her as she came out a couple more times adding more boxes, until she stood out in the living room with us as well. She smiled at us, without a care in the world. We just continued to stare at her, even more confused.

"Okay! I'm all packed and ready to go," she grinned happily.

"Uh, Brit," I stood there not knowing how to tell her she isn't coming with. "You do know."

I stopped. I couldn't tell my best friend who is basically my little sister that she couldn't move in with us. Before I could master up enough courage to tell her this, she started laughing.

"You. Think. I'm," she couldn't control her laughing, and just continued to shake her head. Finally after sometime, she calmed down. "Don't worry Kate, I'm not coming with you. I'm moving out too."

"Then Jenni will be here all by herself?"

"Nope!" Jenni came out of her room, with a box in her arms as well.

"Then, where are you two going?" My eyebrows are knotted together, confused on what they were doing.

"I'm moving in with Corey," Jenni grinned, excited about leaving.

"I'm going back to Pittsburgh. James and I are back together and I don't want to do the long distance," Brittany shrugged, but pointed at me with a huge grin. "But don't think I won't come back for my god baby's birth!"

I smiled at her, remembering the day when I told her she was going to be the little one's godmother. She freaked out to the point that she fell and almost broke her foot by hitting it on the coffee table. I placed my hand on my new swollen belly. I'm now four months and it feels like it was just yesterday I was laying in the hospital.

Jon noticed me rub my belly and smiled at me. I grinned back, happy for the now off season and us moving into our own home. He then started lifting the boxes that were mine out of the living room. After the last box, I hugged my two best friends goodbye, and made my way down to my SUV. Before I could step into it though, two arms wrapped around me. Turning around, I saw Jon standing there, smiling down at me. Pecking my lips softly, he ushered me into the car so we could get to our house.

I pulled up into the drive way, feeling sleepy. I have been getting crazy mood swings and some crazy cravings. Like potato chips in chocolate ice cream. Just thinking about it makes me want some. Stepping out of the car, I noticed Kane and Sharp here to help move us in.

"Katie! How is my favorite baby momma?" Kane pulled me into a hug.

"Patrick. You saw me yesterday," I laughed, shaking my head.

"So, you were crazy yesterday!"

He was right about that. One minute I was smiling and laughing, next I was crying my eyes out. I have been having days like that recently. Jon deals with them quite well, even when I sometimes start yelling at him.

"I'm doing better today. Gummy bear hasn't been making me have crazy mood swings."

"Yet," Sharpie laughed, walking by.

Kane laughed as well, before leaving me to tend do our boxes. Jon came up to me after just arriving, with a slightly nervous look to him. I looked at him oddly, trying to figure out why he looked that way.

"You haven't gone inside yet?"

"No, not yet. Why?" I shook my head.

"Just go inside, there is a surprise in our bedroom," his smile stayed small, but his eyes shined with excitement and fear.  

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