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  Standing in front of the mirror, I snapped a picture of my outfit. It consisted of a Blackhawks shirt I bought that day, which read Toews in the back with the number nineteen on the front, and black skinny jeans. After taking the picture, I quickly sent the photo to Jonathan.

Sorry I couldn't be there this home game, but I'm still representing! ;)

I felt terrible when I told Jon I couldn't be there the next home game, hell, I did not even know I was not going to be there. I had got a call from Makayla, saying that she needed me in New York for a few days to discuss some business. I even had to leave Brittany at my apartment for a night, until Jenni got home the day of the game against the Penguins.

"Uh, Kate, I accidently locked my keys in my car," I heard the voice of my best friend and boss, Makayla.

"Is your car running this time?" I giggled, remembering the time she locked them in with the car running.

"No," she glared at me, before her own laugh shined through. "But do you still have my spare?"

"Today is your lucky day Kay, I brought my keys with me just for the sole purpose of if you locked your keys in your car, like every time I am with you," I grinned at her, pulling the keys out of my purse. "What am I going to do with you?"

"Love and accept me for who I am." She had a Cheshire cat smile etched upon her face, making me laugh.

Rolling my eyes, I took her arm, exited the bathroom, and proceeded to pull her out to her car. Arriving at her car, I noticed the keys in the ignition. I raised my eyebrow towards her, making her roll her eyes at me this time, and take my keys out of my hand and unlock her car. Before I could speak, my phone started ringing Disappear by Bullet for my Valentine. I stared at my phone, as Makayla stared at me.

"I know that ringtone, why do you still have him saved if you got a new number?"

"Just in case if he got a hold of my new number somehow and apparently he found me after five months," I bit my lip, trying to hold in tears. Hitting ignore, I scrolled through my recent calls, and called the one person I needed to calm me down.

"Yes monkey?" My brother's soothing voice sounded through the phone, even with his little nickname he gave me when I turned three and would climb on everything.

"Hey Addie," I whispered, leaning against Makayla's car.

"Uh oh, what's wrong now? Did Kaner do something to you? Because if he did, I swear I'll be on the next flight out there to be-."

I giggled softly, shaking my head, before cutting him off, "No, surprisingly Patrick didn't do anything this time."

"Then what is it, monkey?"

"He somehow found out my number, Adam," I sighed, running my hand through my hair, while Makayla rubbed my back to keep me calm.

"What's his face? Felipe?" Adam questioned, making me laugh.

"He's name wasn't Felipe! Where did you even get that name?" I questioned, while hearing Makayla laugh next to me.

"He looked like a Felipe to me." I could just picture him shrugging his shoulders.

"You only saw him once in the two months we were dating, and you only saw the back of his head," I rolled my eyes at my dork of an older brother, though I have to thank him because he could make me smile when I started freaking out.

"Monkey, I doubt he truly knows it's your number, how would he have gotten it in the first place?"

Biting my lip, I gripped my hair, getting ready for the yelling. "I still talk to his sister," I muttered quietly.

"What!" I heard from both Makayla and my brother, making the lump in my throat come up, and I chocked on the sob, as tears streamed down my cheeks.

"What do you mean you still talk to his sister, Kaitlyn Gaberilla!" I knew once he stopped using my nickname, he became pissed.

"She contacted me before I changed my number," I sighed, finally settling down. "She told me that she never wanted to lose me as a friend because we were always close, you knew that, and that she was sorry for her jackass brother, but didn't want it to ruin our close friendship. He could have taken her phone and gotten it from her, I'm not sure, I haven't checked the voicemail yet, I called you right after I ignored his phone call."

"Don't you think that could have been a way for him to contact you after you left? Have his sister tell you that she still wanted to be friends?"

"No, if it was, wouldn't he have called me the day after I changed my number and not in a five month span?" I growled, becoming pissed.

"Kaitlyn, how do you know this isn't part of a plan? Plan to get back at you, to hurt you worse than he already did," Adam sighed, calming his voice.

"Exactly, how do I not know if this was not a plan, and he just got a hold of her phone before she caught him? I don't, and until proven wrong, I will continue to trust Ash, she has never done me wrong."

"Monkey, I'm just worried about you. I don't want you to get hurt again," he spoke quietly, making my mood soften a little.

"I'm sorry Addie, I'll call you back when I cool down more, I love you big brother." I hugged Makayla back after she pulled me in one.

"I love you too baby sis, call me when you get back to Chicago," he demanded, before hanging up.

Placing the phone back in my pocket, not even bothering with checking my new messages and the one voicemail I would not enjoy hearing. I clung to my best friend, and just cried. Cried because I never fought with Adam, unless they were playful, and because deep down, I knew he could be right about this.

"Come on, let's get you to my place, I think Shannon is coming for a girls night, before you leave," Makayla smiled, wiping the tear off my chin.

"Can we watch H-E Double Hockey Sticks after the Hawk's game?" I gave her a hopeful glance. That movie always cheered me up, ever since I saw it on Disney when I was younger. Even though I love the classic movies that involved hockey, I still love this one just as much.

"If we can have Will Friedle marathon afterwards."

"Feeny!" I shouted the famous line from the show Boy Meets World. "Does that answer your question?"

"Feeny!" She replied, as we laughed and got into her car.

As soon as we arrived at her house, we both ran inside to get ready for our girls night. Going to the guest room, I changed into a comfortable pair of pajama pants, and kept my Blackhawks shirt on, since I knew the game would be starting soon. I grabbed my phone out of my pants, and noticed three new next messages. First one from Kaner.

Why are you wearing a Toews shirt and not a Kane shirt? Am I not your best friend anymore! :'(

I rolled my eyes at his silly text message. Over the past few days, Patrick has become a close friend of mine, almost like a brother. Deciding not to reply to his text yet, I went to the next one, which I noticed it was from Jon.

Good to know. Now if we lose, you can't wear anything Blackhawks related! ;)

Laughing, I shook my head, before sending him a reply.

Psh! I'll wear whatever I please. :)

The last text happened to be from my mother, asking when I would be coming home for a visit. Shaking my head, I quickly texted her back, before doing the one thing I dreaded the most at this moment. Clicking the one, and then the call button, I pressed the phone up to my ear, ready to listen to voicemail that I received on the phone with my brother.

"Hey Lynn, it's Bruce...."

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