Double Date

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  I stood in front of my mirror, curling my hair in small ringlets. Patrick had called me earlier today to tell me we were going on a date. I lightly laughed, recalling that phone call.

"Hello?" I cursed whoever called me this early.

"Kaitlyn." I groaned, hearing Kaner's voice.

"Yes, Kaner?"

"Be ready by seven-thirty tonight."


"We're going out on a date."

"Pat. I don't know if you knew this, hell, I don't know how you don't know this, but sorry to break it to you, I'm with Jonathan. Have been for almost a month now."

"No," he chuckled. "You are going on a double date with me."

"Patrick," I let my smirk shine through. "I just told you, I'm with Jon."

"Kaitlyn!" He sighed, no doubt shaking his head.

"I love messing with you and Jonny."

"I hate you."

"You love me," I laughed. "But who's this girl?"

"I met her the other night."

"Don't tell me she's a puck bunny, Pat," I sighed, rubbing my forehead.

"No, she's not a fucking puck bunny," he growled.

I recoiled from his bark, and stared at my phone, shocked. "You really like this chick, huh?"

"Kat, I think she might be the one."

Knocking on the door brought me out of my thoughts. I heard Jenni open the door and several voices. Quickly, I finished up my makeup.

"Hey Katie! Your lovers are here for your double date!" Jenni hollered, making me shake my head. "If that's what you call being taken out by two hot hockey players!"

Laughing, I grabbed my purse and walked out into the living room to see both Jonathan and Patrick. Looking behind them, I hoped to see this mystery girl that caused the curly haired boy in front of me talk my ear off this morning, only to find no one.

"She's meeting us there," Pat smiled at my curious glance.

"Oh! Well, lets not keep her waiting then," I grinned, taking their hands, and dragging them to Jon's car.

"What, I get no kiss or even a hi babe?" Jon pouted, crossing his arms over his chest, stopping in front of the passenger door.

I smiled at his button down and black slacks, and then my gaze moved to meet his. Stepping forward, I fixed his collar and straightened out some wrinkles. Placing my hands over his arms, I leaned up and captured his lips in a gentle kiss.

"Hello, babe," I gave him another kiss.

"Hey! Lets get a move on it!" Patrick threw a balled up piece of paper at us.

"Was that his speeding ticket from last week?" I questioned, picking up the paper to confirm my assumption.

Before I could open it up, however, Jon plucked it out of my hand. Shrugging my shoulders, I got into the car, and buckled my seatbelt. I stared Jonathan down all the way to the stop sign of my street, trying to see why he has not paid his ticket yet.

"I've been on the road for the past week," he rolled his eyes, reading my mind.

"Why didn't you take care of it yesterday, on your day off?"

"Because I had to...." I waited till he finished, but he had his cute thinking face on.

"He had to sit on the sofa and watch the highlights of the day before games with me," Patrick put his two cents in.

"Still. I know that didn't take all day," I crossed my arms over my chest. "He could still have gone and taken care of it."

"I'll take care of it tomorrow, instead of taking a pregame nap," Jon shrugged his shoulders.

"No. You'll take care of it on Friday, after your practice."

"Man, are you whipped." Patrick laughed.

I glared at him, as well as Jon, after we pulled into a parking spot of the restaurant. I stepped out the car and Jon came up, wrapping his arm around my waist. We walked inside, where the hostess smiled at us.

"Hello. Name please?" She eyed Patrick, but I noticed Pat gaze around the room.

"Kane," Jon answered.

She glanced down at her list and table settings, before nodding her head. We followed her to the table, where I noticed that Patrick's mystery girl has yet to show up yet. Sitting down, we ordered out drinks, and began to look through the menu. Twenty-five minutes passed, and Pat's date still has not showed up yet. Sighing, I stopped picking at the straw wrapper, and gazed up at him across the table.

"Patrick," I groaned, hearing my stomach grumbled. "What time did you tell her to get here?"

"Seven-thirty," he sighed, biting his lip, and gazing around again.

"It's now eight-ten. I am ordering my food now because I'm starving." I looked around for our waiter.

"I'm sure she's just caught up at the bar."

I slowly turned my attention back on the hockey player. "I thought you said she wasn't a puck bunny."

"She's not," he glared at me. "She owns the bar."

I opened my mouth to question him more, but Jon placed his hand over my mouth. "Leave him alone, babe."

Giving in, I nodded my head okay, and then ordered my food when the waiter stopped by again. Over an hour, and I started feeling bad for my close friend. He sat there, food untouched, and glancing around every so often to see if his date has come yet. Jon and I finished our food a while ago, and we sat there watching our friend, not knowing what to do. I gazed at my boyfriend next to me, feeling the emotions of hurt cursing through my body, no doubt what Patrick was feeling too.

This girl sounded wonderful from how he described her to me this morning, but sitting here waiting for her, she has become the most hated female I could ever hate. How could anyone leave this baby faced, hockey player sitting here waiting for almost two hours? I am just glad he asked Jon and I to come, so he does not look like a fool sitting here by himself, as some crazy ass chick stood him up. I want to go kill this girl. Or at least pick her up, chew her out, and drop her off at the restaurant afterwards.

"You guys can go if you want," Pat pushed his food around, leaning on his other hand. He looked so depressed, and I just wanted to hurt this girl even more.

"Are you sure, man?" Jon glanced at me, and I shrugged my shoulders.

"Yeah, you guys don't have to sit here and wait with me." He smiled softly. I could see right through it though. Or maybe he's in denial....

"If you're sure Patty Cakes," I offered a smile myself, but I had a feeling he saw the rage in my eyes. Jon always could.


"How are you getting home?"

"I'll take a taxi, or ride home with her."

"Okay, see you later Pat." I bit my lip, standing up with Jon.

"See ya," he waved us goodbye.

On the way out, I kept glancing back, watching him pick at his food, look down at his cell, and then move his gaze to the door. I am sorry to say this, but this chick, will not be seeing tomorrow, if I ever run into this girl anytime soon. Maybe I should learn what this bitch looks like first, though.

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