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  The next morning, I woke up to half of my body being squished and deep breathing on my cheek. If I had known Jonathan would end up having most of his body weight on top of me during the night, I would have taken the couch like I planned to. But being the gentlemen, Jon had argued with me that I could take his bed, however, I told him no. Somehow, we ended up agreeing on sharing his bed, since he had a morning practice today, and I thought he needed the rest on a bed instead of couch.

Seeing a flash go off, I look at the doorway to find Patrick standing there with a huge grin on his face, and a camera in hand. Glaring towards him, I flicked him off, only making him laugh more. I turned towards the man who was laying majority on me and not the bed; however, I did not suspect was his face to be so close to mine. So close that our nose sat centimeters apart from touching.

"Jon," I breathed, trying to get air in my lungs. A single little snore came out of his mouth, making me groan. Trying to shove him off of me, I heard Patrick laugh at my failed attempts. "Shut up and help me! I seriously can't breathe!"

"And why should I help you?" Patrick mused, crossing his arms over his chest.

"I'll tackle you again if you don't," I smirked, making him laugh harder.

"The only reason why you were able to tackle me in the first place was because you caught me by surprise."

Before I could get a reply out, Jon mumbled something along the lines of, 'shut up', but with him cuddling deeper into the crook of my neck and shoulder, I could not be so sure. I looked back up at Patrick, who held up three fingers. I cocked my head to the side, confused as to why he had three fingers up.

"Three," he mouthed, as he began to count down. "Two... One."

As soon as Patrick put down his last finger, Jonathan moved off from on top of me, and looked down at me with widen eyes and a slight blush on his cheeks. "Sorry," he mumbled, before getting up and walking to the bathroom.

"Well, that wasn't awkward at all," a voice chuckled from the doorway. My head snapped towards the voice, making myself grin with excitement.

"Sharpy!" I giggled, jumping out of bed, and into the waiting arms of my brother's partner in crime.

"Little Burish!" He laughed, spinning me around, making me glance at the confused Patrick Kane. Setting me down, he looked down at me with a raised eyebrow. "And what were you doing in my captain's bed, with his clothes on?"

"She wouldn't let me just take the couch last night," Jonathan's voice came from behind the two Patrick's, making me jump.

Peeking my head through the two bodies in front of me, I glared at the man who smothered me most of the night. "You. Need to stop scaring me and sneaking up on me like that!" Jon just gave me his adorable half smile, making me smile softly in return.

"So, you know Sharpy?" Kane questioned after a short moment of silence.

"Yeah, I met her when we were in New York overnight one time. She came by the hotel to visit Adam," Sharp shook his head, smiling down at me.

"The same day that I planned to shoot him with silly string, this guy opens up the door expecting Jon to come by questioning about his missing shoes," I laughed remembering the day.

"Every single away game you just have to take something of mine," Jon sighed, shaking his head.

"He doesn't seem to do it as often now since Burish's gone," Kane pointed out.

"Ah, but the other Burish sibling is here now, so be warned," I smirked at the two boys, as they chuckled. "Well, I am gonna go put on my now dry clothes, and call the road side assistance people so I can get my keys out of my car and head home. So who's taking me back to the UC?"

"We all will, since I came to pick these two children up for practice," Sharp ruffled both the other two boys' hair, making me giggle, and nod my head.

Thirty minutes later, I found myself back at the United Center with yesterday's clothes on, and watched as the guy unlocks my car. Saying thank you to the man, I started up my car, and headed out on my journey home. Arriving at my apartment building, I parked my car and head up to the third floor to my and Jenni's apartment. I started to get the key ready to be pushed into my door knob, when I felt warm breath on the back of my neck, making me tense up.

"Boo," whoever the breath belonged to whispered, making me jump and scream.

Turning around, I found a laughing Brittany. I rolled my eyes, covering my heart, trying to catch my breath. "What the fuck, Brit! You scared the shit out of me!"

"Good! That's what I was aiming for," she laughed, holding her side.

After a couple minutes, my heart rate decreased, as well as her laughing. "What are you doing here? Did Jenni call you to come here?" I cocked an eyebrow, confused.

"She did, but that was when I was already on my way to the airport to head over here," she smirked at me, making me uncomfortable. "So, who is this Jon fellow that you were getting a ride with last night?"

"A friend of my brother's, as well as his former team captain," I rolled my eyes once again, and began to unlock my door once again.

"Wait, you were in a car with Jonathan Toews? Ewww!" She squealed, walking in behind me. She never did like the Blackhawks, she was always a Penguins fan, and always will be.

"Yes I was in a car, household, and awkwardly enough, in a bed with him last night," I sneered, not meaning to, but I had just remembered Kane got a picture of Jon basically on top of me. "Now explain to me, why are you here exactly?"

"Well, my boyfriend should be here in two nights, so I thought I'd come visit you, and watch him play," Brittany smirked, while taking a seat on the couch next to me.

"Boyfriend? Why haven't I heard of this so called boyfriend before? I thought we were sisters!" I pouted at the girl I called my little sister.

"Because if you found out who he is, you probably wouldn't believe me."

"Try me then."

"James Neal," she bit her lip, waiting for my reaction. My eyes widen, finally recognizing where I knew that name.

"James Neal, as in the same James Neal of the Pittsburgh Penguins?" I stared at her in awe.

"Yeah, that James Neal," she giggled, smiling slightly.

"How the fuck did you meet him, since you never seem to want to go to any of the games with me when I came to visit you, and the Hawks were playing them?"

"He accidently ran into my car with his, and after that, we kind of just hit it off," she shrugged her shoulders as if it was nothing.

"Nice way of meeting him, Bunny," I giggled, shaking my head.

I laughed more at her spaced out expression, but calmed down once I heard my phone go off. Reaching for my purse that sat on the coffee table, I opened it up and got my phone out, seeing I had a new text message from Jonathan. Raising an eyebrow, I stared at my phone confused for a second, before I remembered Kane took my phone and texted everyone, so they had my number, and programmed theirs in mine. What made my heart race increased a few notches, was not the fact it was Jon who texted me, but the text message itself.

Wear my jersey next home game?

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