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*Jenni's POV* 

 "She hasn't come out of her room in days?" Patrick asked, cocking an eyebrow confused.

"No, she has, but I never see her anymore. When I text her, she doesn't answer, when I call she sends me straight to voicemail," I sighed, running my hand through my hair. "And she leaves before I wake up, and comes in long after I'm passed out."

"Is she here now?" Jonathan looked up at me, from petting Cady.

"I don't think so, I heard the door open earlier, but passed back out after I heard it shut. So I'm not sure if she left or came back in," I shrugged my shoulders.

"Well there is one way to find out," Pat walked to her door, opening it, before closing it right back. He started at the two of us.

"What?" I questioned, worried.

"It looks like she hasn't even set foot in her room."

"Jenni, are you sure she's the one coming in and out of the apartment?" Jon glanced at me.

"Positive, I've seen her once, and she leaves me notes every morning, telling me she has let Abby and Cady out, but that's about it," I bit my lip. "I don't mean to drop this on you guys before you leave tomorrow night, but Adam won't even answer my phone calls because he thinks it'll be Kaitlyn calling, and I didn't know who to turn to."

"No Jenni, it's completely cool, you're just worried about your best friend," Jon placed his hand on my shoulder. "We're worried about her as well."

"I just don't want this to affect your guys' game."

"Don't worry about that," Pat began, "we won't stop worrying about her, but when it comes to a game, we focus more on the game, and we get so into it we sometimes forget about our problems outside of the rink."

I looked over at Jon, who confirmed this with a nod of his head, making me feel slightly better about this situation. They were right; I am just worried about my best friend. She fell into this pattern about five and half months ago, and I do not want to see her go through this again. Soon the door bell rang, but before I could get to it, it flew open.

In walked, not only Brittany, but Shannon and Makayla. The boys and I watched them fight over who would walk through the door first. Sighing, Brittany threw up her arms, while walking in with her bags, but as soon as the other girls saw this, they too walked in, making them stuck in the threshold. All three of us cocked our heads to the side, along with the dogs, watching them with amusement.

"This is your entire fault! If you would have just let me in first we wouldn't be stuck!" Shannon glared at Makayla, pulling on her bag.

"My fault! It's all yours!" Makayla growled, tugging on her own bag.

"Oh both of you shut the fuck up! It's both your fault!" Brittany put her hands on her hips. "If you guys just would have walked in after I had, our bags wouldn't be stuck right now!"

"Shut up!" They both glared at her, still working to get their bags free.

Patrick smirked and walked towards the door. I giggled softly, shaking my head at the young right winger, knowing exactly what he planned to do. His large hand surprised both girls, as he grabbed both and tugged, bringing both suitcases out of the doorway. Standing outside the door happened to be my next door neighbor, standing there staring.

"Hey Bill," I waved.

Not saying a word, he waved and walked away. Looking at each other, we all laughed, as Makayla shut the door.

"Well, now that guy thinks you're weird," Brittany giggled, dragging her bag into Kaitlyn's room. Once she walked out, she looked at us confused. "She hasn't been in her room, and half of her clothes are gone."

"We know," Jon and I sighed, looking at each other.

"Sometimes I wonder why you guys don't date, you guys are similar," Patrick shook his head. "But I can see why Crawford likes you, Jen."

"He doesn't like me," I laughed, shaking my head, while a serious expression took over my face. "Does he really?"

"I saw when you guys met, he likes you." Patrick did not wait for my answer to that, but smirked towards Shannon. "Hey, I'm Patrick."

"I know," she smiled and walked over to Abby.

"Well, would you like to go out sometime?"

"Nope, sorry," she continued to pet both puppies.

"Why not?" Patrick looked defeated, making me giggle.

"Dude, she has a boyfriend," Makayla rolled her eyes, taking a seat on the loveseat. "And no, I will not go out with you either, I have a boyfriend too. But we're not here for a chance to date the Patrick Kane or any NHL star. We're here to do something about Kaitlyn."

"She's right," Brittany took a seat far away from both Blackhawk players, glaring at them as well. "As much I dislike you guys' team, I have agreed to come here to help do this intervention with my big sissy."

"How bad has it gotten, Jen?" Shannon's gaze landed on me.

I chewed on my bottom lip, "She won't answer any of my calls or texts, I haven't seen her physically in a week and half, and she hasn't been at any Hawk games."

The three girls gasped, not believing their ears. I do not blame them because this time around, it was a lot worse than it had been last time. Kaitlyn at least answered phone calls and texts, and she even showed her face when we invited her to lunch.

"Has she at least talked to Adam?" Brittany inquired.

"As far as I know, not since the night she came home from New York," Jon explained.

"That was almost a month ago!" Makayla exclaimed, looking more worried than before.

"This is the longest they have ever gone not talking, when angry at each other," I added, running my hand through my hair.

"Can I know you guys' names at least?" Patrick sighed, looking at the three new girls.

"Makayla," she smiled.

"Shannon," she waved.

"None of your business, besides I'm dating a Penguin, and I dislike you guys," Brittany sneered, smirking.

"Kay," I shook my head at my crazy friend, "we need to know exactly what happened while she was in New York, when Bruce called her."

"It's not very pretty," she exhaled; eyes glistening with the memory in mind.

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