Go Out Already

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  Jonathan and I sat cuddled up on his couch a month later, after he returned from their two week long road trip. He had gotten his stitches out, and has a small scar like the one on his upper lip. I felt like I have not seen him in a year though. On the recliner next to the couch sat Patrick and Jenni sat on the floor with the popcorn.

We all decided on a movie day since the boys had the day off today and tomorrow to make up the lost time. I giggled softly as Jon whispered small little nothings into my ear. If someone asked me what had happened in the movie or what movie Jenni even put in, I would pause, trying to think of something to say.

"Would you two just go fuck already?" Patrick sighed, getting out of the chair.

"Or at least go out before doing that," Jenni rolled her eyes.

Frowning, I looked at the screen to see the credits rolling, telling me that I had missed the whole movie. I turned to my left to find Jenni smirking at Jon and me. Looking over at the clock, it read five fifteen. Detaching myself from Jon, I stood up, stretched, and started to gather my belongings as everyone watched me.

"What?" I raised an eyebrow, glancing to each face.

"Where are you going?" Jon asked, frowning.

"I have a date at seven, so I better get going so I can get ready for it," I shrugged my shoulders.

"Who is your date?" Jenni gapped.

"Some guy name Mike, I meet him while I got coffee the other day."

"Why didn't you tell me you had a date tonight?" She shook her head, glanced at Jon, who did not look at me once he knew I had a date.

"Didn't think I had to," I smiled at everyone. "Well, I'll see you guys later."

"Bye," Patrick and Jenni chorused, but Jon left the room before I even opened the door to leave.

As soon as I got home, I quickly took a shower before changed into a nice pair of black skinny jeans, a cute black top with zebra print along the sleeves, and black heels. After I got dressed, I began blow drying and curling my hair in small ringlets at the shoulder.

By the time I was satisfied with my look, I noticed the clock read six forty-five. I rapidly rushed out the door and got into my car, to drive to the restaurant. Once I got there, I noticed how chilly the night had gotten over the couple hours. Walking into the restaurant, I was greeted by the hostess.

"Welcome to Ramon's, how may I help you," the young blond woman smiled.

"Hi," I smiled back. "I'm supposed to meet someone here, under the name Williams."

She checked the book, nodding her head. "Yes, Mr. Williams called a few minutes ago to let you know he was held up, but he should be here soon."

I nodded my head, as I followed her to the back of the restaurant, where I saw very few people sat. Taking a seat, I ordered a sweet tea with lemon, before I started looking at the menu. Soon, I decided what I wanted and as I set down the menu, lips met mine. Smiling into the kiss, I pulled away after a few minutes.

"Well, I did enjoy that greeting," I grinned, while I watched him take his seat.

"I thought you would," he chuckled, shaking his head.

"So, how did you get away?" I stared into his amused brown eyes.

"Told them I needed to get away for a while, Kaner didn't question, but Jenni wanted to know if I was alright after she found out you had a date tonight."

"Just like Jenni," I laughed, rolling my eyes.

We ate dinner with small conversations, but we never once stopped smiling at each other. When we finished our dinners, Jon paid the bill, and then I found myself at Johnny's IceHouse. I looked over at Jon confused because he only asked me out to dinner, but before I could question him, I was being blindfolded.

"You're not going to leave my body inside a hockey net for little children to find me, are you?" I bit my lip.

"No," I could picture him rolling his eyes, making me pout. "Kate, just chill, and let me surprise you, will ya?"

"Fine," I sighed, following him out of the car, and inside the chilly air of the ice rink.

My hand felt tiny entwined in his, but yet it felt right. That it fit perfectly together. You're such a sap, Katie. I rolled my eyes, but smiled to myself. I soon felt myself being pushed down onto a bench and my heels being taken off. Of course he'd take me ice skating after dinner. Jon slapped skates on my feet and helped me too my feet after a few minutes as I heard him put on his. He took my hand and led me out to the rink. We skated a few laps before coming to a stop at center ice, where he stood behind me with his arms wrapped around my waist.

"Take off the blindfold," his husky voiced sent shivers down my spine and goose bumps rose up my exposed arms.

Reaching behind me, I untied it, letting it fall to the ice underneath us. As I let my eyes adjust to the light, I blinked a few times before the scene came into view. There in front of me lay pink, red, yellow, and lavender rose petals. Spelling out something I did not know he would ask me right then and there.

Be mine?

I leaned my head back to meet those amazing brown eyes I loved to gaze into. Without saying anything, I pressed my lips against his, threading my hand down his scalp to meet the nap of his neck. Several minutes later, after he deepened the kiss, I pulled away slowly, and turned around. I placed my forehead against his with my eyes shut.

"Of course I will," my voice came out raspy, but I opened my eyes and rubbed my nose against his.

"Good," he gave me that adorable half smile of his I loved, kissing me once again.  

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