Jonathan Pt. 2

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*Jonathan's POV*

  "Are you sure you want to play, Toews?" Coach glanced down at me.

"Yeah, I'm sure." I banged my stick on the side of the boards nervously.

Kaitlyn is still missing. It's been four days now. Where the fuck is she? I shook my head in hopes to clear it. Focus. Game time. Focus. I repeated that several times before going back out on ice for the face off. The little prep talk did me no good because soon after the first period started my mind wandered to thinking about Kaitlyn. After the buzzer went off, singling that Coyotes scored a goal. Both Patrick's skated up towards me and Kaner grabbed my helmet.

"Dude. Focus. I know you're worrying about Katie, but if you seriously want to play tonight, focus." I nodded my head before he skated off. Sharpie soon came into my view.

"I'm sure she's alright. She's a tough girl. I mean she did grow up with Adam after all," he smiled, making me chuckle for the first time in four days.

Somehow I seemed to focus more in the second period, scoring two goals. I soon found myself sending the puck to Kaner and having him score the tying goal. I laughed seeing him trip over his skate when he went to jump. He slid several inches from where he fell. I skated after him, patting his back, and helped him up.

"Alright, man?" I chuckled.

"Hell yeah," he laughed, shaking his head.

Third period came and went with no one scoring, sending us in over time. When over time came, I became numb. My mind went back to Kaitlyn. Once it was time for me to shot during the shot out, I was not focused at all. Coyotes ended up winning. Interviews went by in a blur and the next thing I knew, I was in my bed. My mind began to race, so how I ended up passing out was beyond me.


"And now you're my whole life
Now you're my whole world
I just can't believe the way I feel about you, girl
Like a river meets the sea

I groaned, hitting my alarm clock, only to realize it was not my alarm. Grabbing my lite up phone, I quickly pressed the green button.

"Kaitlyn?" I threw the sheets off of my torso, sitting on the edge of my bed. Breathing met my ears. My heart dropped. I knew something was not right. "Kaitlyn, baby?"

"Jon," her voice sounded into my ears, making me sigh with relief, but I was still worried.

"Kate, where are you?"

"I... don't... know." I could tell she had trouble breathing.

"You don't know?" I stood up in search for some shorts and a shirt.

"Out... side... the city." She made a sound of discomfort. I cringed.

Before I could get another question out, I heard her get out the J of my name before her voice sounded far away. "Jon?" The deep voice of a man sent the hairs on the back of my neck stand on end with anger.

"Who is this?" I questioned, narrowing my eyes at the dresser drawer I was staring in.

"Officer West." Relief flooded over me more this time. "What are your connections with Kaitlyn?"

"I'm her boyfriend. She's been gone for four days now." I explained, walking over to Kaner's room.

"I see this. You filed the report about her missing two days ago?"

"Yes, sir."

"Well we found her here in an abandon warehouse outside the city. She's going to be sent to Saint Anthony's Hospital. You can visit her there."

"Okay, thank you sir." I hung up my phone and barged into Pat's room. I did not care if the girl that I have yet to meet, that stood him up, lay next to him naked. I nudged my sleeping friend, making him tighten his grip on the girl. "Patrick. Wake up man."

"Go away, Tazer," he mumbled, swatting away my hand.

"Dude, they found Kaitlyn." I growled. After getting no response, I stood up, kicking him in the back.

"Ow, what the fuck man." Patrick sat up, glaring at me.

"Kaitlyn just called me." I sneered back.

"Is she alright?" That caught his attention, as well as his girl who woke up as well.

"She's going to be at Saint Anthony's. I'm heading over there now."

"Alright, let us get dressed and we'll come with you."

I nodded my head and walked out of his room. Grabbing my wallet and keys off the counter, I made my way out to my car. Before I could forget, I picked up my phone, calling Adam. I checked the clock for the first time tonight and found it to be three in the morning. He had a practice today to get ready for his game on Saturday. After the fifth ring, his groggy voice met my ears.

"This better be good."

"Kaitlyn is at the hospital. I don't know all the details yet, I'm on my way there now. But she called me a while ago and it sounded like she couldn't breathe very well." I heard my back doors opening, knowing Patrick was now in the car.

"Are you serious?" He woke up after that.

"Would I be calling you at three in the morning if I wasn't?" I rolled my eyes.

"I'm on the next flight out there." I heard shuffling and knew he was getting a small bag ready.

"You have a game tomorrow. Kaitlyn wouldn't-."

"My baby sister is in the hospital barely breathing. I think coach will understand."

"Okay, see you in a few hours." I quickly hung up my phone, and started on the fifteen minutes to the hospital.

No one spoke on the way, but I knew Patrick was more worried about me than Kate right now. I just wanted to know if my girlfriend and friend's sister was alright, or better yet, alive at this moment. The officer would have at least called you if she had died on the way there. But what if he wouldn't? Think positive thoughts Jon. Once you walk into that hospital, Kaitlyn will be there, alive and well. Hopefully unharmed. Once we got there, they wouldn't let us back to see her. So we had to wait out in the waiting room. Hours went by and we didn't hear a word. Kaner and the girl passed out across from me, but I stayed wide awake. Adam soon walked through the door. I stood up, letting him see where we were.

"How is she man?" He inquired, taking a seat next to me.

"They haven't come out and said anything yet."

"Well, I'm gonna go see if I can find something out."

I nodded my head and watched him walk to the nurse's station. Soon Shannon, Jenni, Brittany, and Makayla walked in. Pat must have called them. Before anyone could say anything, Adam came back with a doctor. Brittany slapped Patrick awake, making me shake my head.

"There is some bad news and good news," the doctor sighed. We sat on the end of our seats, waiting for him to tell us the bad news. "She has some broken ribs and a broken femur. But other than that, she's fine."

"And the good news?" Makayla questioned.

"The baby's okay," he smiled. Everyone's gazes landed on me.  

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