Face Off

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  Yawning, I stretched and sat up in bed. I glanced at the clock to see that it just turned six o'clock. Right on time. As I got up, I passed by my mirror, only to see my red, puffy eyes from crying myself to sleep last night. I shook those thoughts out of my head, before I got inside the shower. After I got out of the shower, I got dressed for the day.

Sighing, I gathered my things, and headed for the door. As I opened up the door, however, someone grabbed me, covering my mouth so I did not scream. I glanced down to find a black gloved hand placed over my mouth, making me breathe in deeper. My heart beat increased significantly, trying to figure out who this person was.

"Do you have the blind fold?" a husky, male voice question behind me. I could not place this voice anywhere.

"Yeah," a semi-familiar female voice responded.

Soon, everything became dark. Great. Just great. The male soon threw me over his shoulder and I tried to stay calm, but who stays calm when being kidnapped? I felt myself being placed inside a car because I could hear whoever kidnapped me starts it up a little after placing me inside. The next thing I knew, I had to be at the ice rink because I knew how that place felt and smelled; the smell of nicely shaved ice.

The kidnappers strapped a pair of ice skates on my feet, and placed a hockey stick in my hands. I was then placed on the ice. My heart beat decreased somewhat. This kidnapping made no sense to me at all.

"At the age of six, Kaitlyn's mom, Helen Burish, took her and her older brother and sister to the local ice rink," Makayla's voice flowed through out the rink speakers.

I kept my balance while skating around a little. Skating without seeing could be quite difficult. I heard extra skates set out on the ice.

"Keep the blindfold on Kate," Brittany's voice scowled, as I went to reach for the blindfold to take it off. I opened my mouth to ask why, but another voice broke through.

"Don't talk either, Kaitlyn," Shannon sounded quite annoyed.

"Now listen to us, we are going to play a little game of hockey," Jenni's voice shined through, "you don't know who you are playing against or who is on your team. Just know this; we are in the United Center. You know the layout, and you have shot a few goals against Adam one night you were here to visit."

"And, you are at center ice. You will have a face off soon,"Brittany explained, "so when you hear the whistle, the puck will be dropped."

"She'll be making the blind pass more literal," I heard Jonathan chuckle.

I bit my lip, cracking a slight smile. It has been so long since I heard his voice, and it sounded so relaxing. Soon the whistle sounded and I heard the puck land near the end of my stick. I quickly fought against my opponent, hearing the puck smack against my stick, before I took off with it. As I listened to the other blades hit the ice, I passed the puck to the right, hoping someone from my team now had it.

No one spoke a word. They did not even make sound. I only heard the sound of the several ice skates coming in contact with the ice, the puck gliding across frozen water or hitting the net, and the sticks smacking the puck back and forth. With this new bound silence, it got me thinking of why they had me blindfolded and not speaking.

They wanted to show me what it felt like to be ignored for numerous weeks, or periods for my situation. It also made me think that maybe what I had been doing just was not right. To just leave my friends to be with the man who hurt me the most, not just physical, but mentally as well. And the man who lied to me about every single problem that took place in his life. Not only that, but that friends and family are more important than anything.

After my last thought, I noticed the sound of other players out on the ice has disappeared. There was no sound of the skates, the puck, or the silent laughter I heard in the distance. I stood still, waiting for the sounds to return, but after a couple minutes, it never did. Slowly, I took the blindfold off, and looked around. I saw no one, which made me question on if I had dreamed this occurrence, or it really did happen.

"Guys?" I shouted, scrunching up my nose when I heard how raspy my voice has gotten. "Jenni... Brittany... Shannon?"

I got no reply in return. Sighing, I skated to the opening to the bench, and took a seat. I stared at my skates, figuring out if I wanted to go back out on the ice, or if I should return home. Hitting the tips of my skates together, I did not hear the sound of someone approaching me from the side.

"KiKi," the murmur of the one nickname I hated made me cringe. Only one person every called me that because they knew how much it got under my skin.

"I don't see why you always call me that, when your name is closer," I lightly giggled, smiling at my older sister.

She smiled at me in return, but we both frowned once we both saw the tears in each other eyes. Standing up, I took off towards my sister, hugging her for the first time in two years. Ever since what happened with us at Christmas two years ago, we never spoke to each other. I choked back a sob, as I clung to her for dear life.

"I'm so sorry for not believing you about Michael," she too sounded choked up.

"And I'm sorry I wasn't there for you when you found out," I bit my lower lip, pulling away from her.

"We've both been stupid in the past," she exhaled, gazing into my eyes, "And if I would have known about this bastard, he would have wished he was born with the vagina I would have given him."

I shook my head, but laughed with my sister. Knowing her, she would be helping Adam in the beating; however, she would do the helping with a hockey stick. I recoiled a little, picturing her doing what she just described. Glancing at her outfit, I noticed the padding and spandex.

"You were one of the hockey players?" I smirked.

"I was the one you have been facing off with, and I was one of your kidnappers," Nikki's own smirked shined through.

Opening my mouth to speak, a male voice that did not belong to me flowed through, "It's nice to see my two sisters getting along again."

"Addie!" I exclaimed, turning around and running the best I could in my skates over to my big brother's awaiting arms. I began to cry again. "I'm sorry, Addie."

"Shh, Monkey, everything will be alright now," his soothing words calmed me down, along with him rubbing my back.

"Glad to see you back Kate," Jenni smiled, as I saw the rest of the crew walk out in only their playing gear on, minus their skates and padding.

"So, who was on my team, and did we win?" I questioned, glancing around at my best friend and family. "I love your comment Jonny Boy, I really did give blind passes a literal definition."

"That you did, that was a nice one to me in the first game," Jon gave me his adorable half smile. "Just so you know, I was on your team."

"Sorry to break it to you big sissy, but Nikki's team won," Brittany nibbled on her lower lip, waiting for my reaction.

"Oh no, everyone go put on your gear, there is so going to be a rematch!" I playfully glared at my older sibling.

"Are you serious?" Adam chuckled.

"Yes, dead serious." I gazed at everyone around me, stopping to look at Patrick. "I call Kaner this time too."

"How did you know I was on Nikki's team?" Patrick's shock shinned through.

"I just have a feeling, now go!" I started to shoo everyone back into the locker rooms, making them laugh on the way.  

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