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Its been years now...
Too many to count
Yet he still refers to me as he

I'm too wise to become confused
Can't remake the old
Gotta focus on the new

The truth is hidden in between your words
I still understand your soul
I'm ok that this may be as far as it goes

Will you forgive me of my chaos and destruction
What I gave of love
Was a bunch of disfunction

Will you forgive me of the pain I caused you
I never meant to cause you blue
With my own need of you...

Selfish I was in all my ways
Never realizing that love isn't suppose to go this way
Yet you came and stayed

I've wanted to show my repentance for so long
Coming to the conclusion to let you go on
Without me...

Making myself to believe there was no we
Where I took us
Was exactly where we needed to be

I could water this seed
And be at peace with what would grow
For real love is ok with letting it go

Trusting that within that act
The other would see
Just how much your peace and happiness means to me

Will you forgive me for loving you wrong
For hanging on too tightly
And maybe for too long

Forgive me for taking so long to let you see
Just how much, you being there meant to me
I love us both enough to set the idea of what was free

so we both can create God's will living purposefully

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