Why cant they see?!?

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"No *sniffles* its alright... Its time you know the truth." Y/n said.

Y/n explained everything to us. She was crying the whole time. Vylad and Zane always comforted her.

"Y/n...it wasn't your fault. He was jealous..." I comforted her.

"But I don't understand...Why he would be jealous? He is the most envied and most loved by your parents...." Laurence said.

"This must be because of....sibling attention. " I suspected.

"How,does,sibling attention,even is, a lack for him." Y/n said between the cries.

"I guess...all he needed was younger siblings to pay attention to him." I said.

"Or he's just an over emotional person..." Laurence rolled his eyes.

"Don't think that way of him! Dont say that!!." Y/n stood up and she changed form.

"Im going home!." She flew out of her place.

Y/n's POV

I can't believe Laurence would say something like that! After everything! He said things about Garroth! Sadness flew through me and I fell from tree to tree. Getting scars and wounds all over me. Everything is gone.....Darkness.

Zane's POV

"How could you say something like that!???!." I yell at Laurence.

I ran and followed y/n as she was flying. Suddenly she fell into the woods. I looked around; no matter the wounds or scars I might be getting, because all I need is my sister. She's my priority now. Finally I saw Y/n on the ground unconscious. She had wounds all over her and her outfit was ripped. I carried her. (Picture👇👇 Add the rips and wounds)

"Pls. Be alright sissy..." That's the first time I called Her that.

I carried her out the woods. I came upon Kawaii~chan's house. Luckily she was home and she can help me. I laid y/n on the couch.

"What happened to y/n~chan/sama?." She asked.

"She...its hard to explain.." I said.

"Oh. Maybe I can heal her? If its OK with Zane~kun." She offered. Wait? Does she have powers?


"With my healing potions!." She showed her healing potions.

I nodded that she can do it. She threw the potion and suddenly all y/n's wounds are gone. She threw me one to and my wounds were gone.

"How did you make those?." I ask.

"Umm..Lucinda~chan teach me how." Kawaii~chan. Of course! Where does she even get those magicks?! Obviously from Lucinda!

"Will she be alright?." I asked.

"She's not very well, she's pale than usual so Kawaii~chan could say... Yes and no." Kawaii~chan said. What does she mean by yes and no?

"Her temperature is very high, her skin is pale although she's still breathing and having a proper heartbeat." She said.

"Oh OK. Thanks Kawaii~chan..." I hugged her quick then pulled away. I felt my face heating up and she had a pink face. We were blushing! Oh Irene!

"Umm..Kawaii~chan needs to get more things for y/n~chan/sama." She runs off. I run off too. I went outside and sat at the lawn. I took out my phone and  called Vylad.

Vylad , Zane


"Hey baby brother... Can you come over to Kawaii~chan's house?."

"OK? Why? Is something wrong?."

"Y/n...is pretty hurt. Well WAS hurt but she was healed by Kawaii~chan. But I need you here pls."

"Alright. I'll be there in 3...2..1.."

Why is he counting? Suddenly Vylad was in front of me.


"Sorry. Why are we here now?." He asks.

"How did you-- nevermind. I'm worried about y/n. She has been in depression since Garroth's gone." I pointed out.

"I know. Soon she might hurt herself. She might cut or something." Vylad said.

"No! Her innocent mind is too pure for that!." I scolded him.

"Sorry...so how is she?." Vylad asked

"Good. Pretty good. But we need to be there for her. She needs us." I said as we walk in Kawaii~chan's house.

When we enter Kawaii~chan was panicking.She was looking for something. Then we looked at the couch and y/n is gone!

"Where is she?!?!." Vylad panicked.

"Come back!." I heard y/n's voice.

We saw her outside running after a blue jacket man.


"Its Him! Run after him!." She pointed and continue to run.

Y/n's POV

I woke up and looked out the window to see the same person at Moon Acres. Garroth! I ran out and yelled his name.
He looked at me crying. Now I know its him. He ran off and I followed him.
I see him! Its Garroth! I'm not crazy! I just know its him! Why would he be crying and running!

"Garroth!." I shouted.

"Y/n! ." I heard Zane calling out for me.

"Its him! Run after him!." I point and run.

I almost grabbed his jacket but I was tackled by Vylad and Zane.


"Y/n! Garroth's dead!." Vylad said.

"No he's not! He was right--." I looked back and he was gone.

They help me up and I ran away back to my house. I don't want to hear people saying he's dead! I know I saw him! Twice!

I ran inside my house and locked all the doors and windows. I ran to my room and locked my door. I jumped in my bed and took the covers and cover myself. I curled up in my own bed. I know it was him.

"I know he's alive....Why can't they see that!?!?." I curled up even more.

I took out my phone and looked at all the pictures we had when we were young.

I cried through all of them. I miss him so much. My body guard, my protector, my shelter, my roof, my home, my brother...


No one believes y/n? What will happen to her?


So Zane... How are you going to help y/n?

Z: by anyways I can. I can't bare to see her like this...

V: as do I.

Ok..Good luck.


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