Dont treat us like Garbage

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This is what I want. A life that is normal. Being happy. Away from depression and sadness. I love the people in my life who kept me going...


*yawns*Yesterday was an amazing day! I wish more things can happen! Anyways... I need to get back to school. I need to show that I'm an amazing Alpha! But with that jerk Shawn? I don't think it will happen.

I changed and happily went out of the house to be greeted by Aphmau, Aaron and of course , My brothers!!

"Y/n!!." They all ran to me and greeted me.

"Hey guys! How's your day been going?."

"we just got out of our houses to begin the day." Aaron playfully punches me.

"He he.. Let's go!." I pulled them to school.


Me and the guys went in. Everyone was greeting me , even the shadow knights!

"Hello, (cool nickname)!." Sasha high fives me.

"Hey Sasha! Zenix..." I look at him.He's blushing...

"Hey leader..." He didn't look at me.

"He " I handed him a spray paint can.
Everyone's eyes widened.

"Y/n...what's with that??." Garroth asked.

" Don't worry he isn't breaking any rules. We have a place in this school for that kind of stuff. The freedom room." I said.


"Hey Mrs. Hyria!."

"Yes. Y/n?."

"Um.. Can we have a freedom room? People would really like to break some know ..sometimes." I suggested.

"For whom? No one would ever want to break the rules."

"I think for all those rule breakers.. In this school especially the Shadow Knights."

"Fine... But its your responsibility to find anyone who rule breaks out of that room." She sternly said.

"Thank you..."

*flashback ends*

"Really?!?!." Both, Sasha and Zenix exclaimed.

"Yep! I asked Mrs. Hyria for it. But, you guys need to help me if anyone rule breaks out of that room." I said.

"Awesome! We need to fill that room with our logo!!." Sasha said.

"Now let's go tag that room!." I lead the way and then we came to the freedom room.

"Let's do this!." I did the Shadow knights logo.

My friends were tagging to. Aphmau drew a cat, Aaron drew a wolf, Garroth tagged the door, Zane drew a skull and Vylad just drew a candle. The Shadow knights and I did the logo.

*bell rings*

"OK guys! Let's head to class!." I said.

Everyone left except for me and the shadow knights.

"Soo..Class it is.." I said.

"Yeah..the spray paint was gone anyways." Zenix said as we were walking to class.

"Zenix...Let's go! Before Mrs. Mari comes." Sasha pulled him to class.

I then walked to class before Mrs. Julia came. I sat back next to Garroth who was sad.

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