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*Third Person's POV*

Lying on top of Jason, Y/N felt happy. She felt complete.

A wide smile spread on her lips while she hugged Jason tight.

Jason, on the other hand, was so in love with her warm touch. How her tiny body was on top of his.
How everytime she breathed, Jason felt rainbows in his body.

"Jase?" Y/N mumbled.

"Yes baby." Jason smiled on how she called out his name.

"Do you feel anything?" She looked at him with her big brown orbs.

"As in?" Jason asked stroking her hair.

"Aren't you in pain?" She questioned.

"I'm strong babe." Jason curled his arm and showed off his sharp muscles.

"Oh really? Strong enough to handle this?" Y/N smirked and instantly started to tickle Jason.

"No stop!" Jason smiled although he couldn't feel a thing.

Slowly he held both her hands and for a second, everything was still.

They both looked at each other before crashing their lips.

"I love you so much babydoll." Jason whispered between the kiss.

"I lov-- wait a second, what's this.?" Y/N touched something metallic while trying to balance herself to get more of Jason.

"A gun?" Y/N gasped pulling the metal out. She stood up and stared at Justin and the gun in her hand simultaneously.

"Give that to me babe." Jason ordered Y/N while reaching out his hand towards her.


"No buts babe, hand it over to me please." Jason stood up this time.

"No!" She yelled and rushed towards the kitchen.

"Dammit!" Jason murmured before sprinting after her.

Y/N finally stopped. Jason on the other side of the kitchen slab.

"Y/N, Gi--"

"No Jason! You're gonna end taking someone's life anymore!" She screamed and threw the gun away somewhere.

She just stood there crying. She didn't wanted to see Jason take someone's life anymore.

"Come here baby." Jason felt so protective of her. He just wanted to keep her safe.

He could quit this criminal life anytime for Y/N.
He wanted to settle with her.
Have kids with her
Watch them grow
And then die with her.

Jason slowly approached Y/N and embraced her into a hug.

She cried like a baby in his arms, wanting him to run away with her.
Away from this chaos.
Away from the world.

Gently he picked her up in his muscular arms and walked towards the bathroom.

Jason turned on the shower and they both kept staring into each other's brown eyes.

He still held her against his chest.
Water dripping off their soaked clothes.

"Y/N Y/L/N, I love you." Jason whispered.

She didn't say a word, kept looking at him and suddenly, she felt the urge to kiss the taste right off his lips.

Without thinking anything further, she placed her lips right on top of his. The kiss got intense with each minute and sloppier by the second.

When both were left breathless, Y/N muttered.

"Jason, why would you bring me here?"

"Baby girl..."
*Puts Y/N down on her feet*
"...You were stinking real bad!"
He laughed his ass off while sprinting outside the bathroom, still wet.

"Haw! Wtf!" She whispered.

Just when the Jason stepped out from the bathroom, Ethan stood near the stairs, holding a gun.

"Where's Y/N?!" Ethan yelled, pointing at Jason.

Y/N heard Ethan yell just when she was about to come out of the bathroom.

"That's none of your concern asshole!" Jason hissed.

"Where the fuck is Y/N, Jason fucking spit it out or else I'm gonna blow off your head!"

Ethan was serious, all these years he was with Jason just to get his hands on Y/N.

"What should I do? What should I do? Think Y/N Think!" Y/N bit her nails while thinking to herself, hiding behind the bathroom door.

"Come out Y/N wherever you are, else see your lover on the floor spitting blood out." Ethan barked looking around to catch sight of his love.

Both Jason and Ethan were standing in the living room.

As soon as Ethan distracted, Jason used his skills to attack Ethan hard. Both fought for the gun and when the trigger was pulled, a gun shot was heard.

With a thud, he fell on the floor.
Crying, Y/N fell on her knees.

He was covered in blood, Y/N sat near his lifeless body and stared at him with tears flowing down her cheeks.

*Justin's POV*

"No Justin please!" Scooter tried to stop me.

"Scooter It's all my fault! I've to make it right! And I will!" I pushed Scooter away and walked right past the door.

Earlier after discharging from the hospital, I went home and tried not to think about Y/N anymore.
But failed.

Spending 23 hours on the bed, I realised that it was all my fault. All of it.
Y/N wouldn't have dumped me if I made sure to make her feel secure and special.
I hated Jason for taking her away from me. I wanted him to pay for his sins.

So I called James.

"You want Jason, I want Y/N. Get me to them, and I'll make sure to fill your bank account with billions." I muttered in my deep hoarse voice.

"It's a deal Mr. Bieber." He replied.

{Y/N : Finally! Another chapter down! Yayyyyyyy! So close to the end now. Apologies for not updating last week. I was thinking about starting a new story and I have so many ideas already!
Thank you so much guys for all the support!
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⏰ Last updated: Sep 21, 2017 ⏰

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