Vexxing Texting

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"Tyler Joseph." A female voice called from the kitchen as soon as he crept inside his house. Tyler sighed and shoved his hands in his pockets, walking into the kitchen to see his mother in her standard scolding pose. Maybe this was her normal pose come to think of it, since she was always scolding him for something.

"Yeah mom?" Tyler said and she rolled her eyes at him, tapping her heel on the tile which created an annoying clicking sound.

"Who was that raggedy boy you brought home?" Kelly said and this time it was Tyler's turn to roll his eyes, even though he had an excuse, heck a million excuses, just to hang out with Josh.

"His name is Josh. He's a smart kid at school, he helps me study sometimes." Tyler said and it wasn't completely untrue. Kelly shifted her weight to her other foot as she processed this information.

"Well considering your grades I suppose I can't complain, as much as I'd like too." Kelly said knowing that Tyler was an all A student. She knew he tried, she just wanted him to try harder.

"Thanks I guess. I won't bring him over so much." Tyler said and already began walking out of the kitchen. Kelly just shook her head and turned her attention to one of the maids that came in, talking to her about dinner preparations.

Tyler was about to sit on the couch when he saw Jay and Zack in their sweats, a basketball under Zack's arm.

"Wanna play basketball  with us?" Zack asked and his brothers looked at Tyler expectantly. Even though Jay was only eight, he wanted to do everything his big brothers did.

Tyler groaned internally but put on a smile "Sure guys let me go change." He said and went to his room, changing into a jersey and shorts before going back downstairs. His mother seemed happy to see them all playing basketball together, and Tyler would do anything just to keep her off his back.

It probably wouldn't be so hard if he actually enjoyed basketball like his brother Zack. Whereas Tyler was better, he just didn't like it. Heaven forbid he try to back out of it now though, with colleges breathing down his neck for a free ride to school. Tyler wasn't even sure he wanted to go to college.

As Tyler played in their driveway with his brothers, their mother watched them from the kitchen window.

"Thanks for coming to school on a Sunday and helping me put up posters. I tried getting the yearbook committee to do it but they're kinda useless." Debby sighed as her and Jenna walked around the school, taping up prom queen posters. Debby was extremely photogenic, and her picture really grabbed your attention with her bright smile.

"You chose a great picture." Jenna smiled as they headed to the auditorium, taping more posters along the walls as they went.

"Thanks. Your yearbook photo was really good. Lucky for me you're not running against me for prom queen." Debby joked and Jenna laughed.

"Me? Never." Jenna said as the entered into the auditorium. It was empty and their steps echoed as they walked.

As they walked across the auditorium, Jenna stopped in the middle of the seats and stared at the stage. Debby came back at stood beside her.

"Whatcha looking at?" Debby asked and Jenna just shrugged.

"I dunno. I guess I'm remembering in seventh grade when I tried out for Alice in Alice and Wonderland. I was cast as a sentient rose bush." Jenna sighed and rolled her eyes. "I swear it was rigged."

"No way you would have made the perfect Alice. Blonde hair and pretty blue eyes, who wouldn't immediately think Alice when they see you?" Debby said and Jenna blushed. While talking they had sat down, and their arms brushed awkwardly against one another's.

Jenna and Debby glanced at each other before she leaned in slowly, and to her surprise Debby pulled away. Jenna's heart thudded with embarrassment and sadness. What if she didn't actually like her? What if she was just being nice? Was she reading the signals wrong?

Suddenly Jenna felt Debby's hand brush a strand of hair away from her eyes and pull her neck towards her lips, and they kissed. It was soft and sweet, everything Jenna was hoping for.

Jenna sighed happily as they pulled away. Debby grinned.

"Why'd you trick me?" Jenna whined and Debby laughed.

"Can't always give you what you want immediately, even if you are adorable." Debby said and pinched Jenna's cheek. Jenna scowled but Debby just giggled.

"Let's hang up the rest of the posters then you can come over for dinner." Debby said taking Jenna's hand and getting up, Jenna happily following behind her.


"What do you mean you kissed Debby?" Josh said incredulously over the phone. Jenna giggled on the other end of the phone.

"I don't know it just kind of happened. We were hanging up her prom posters and then she touched my face and yeah." Jenna said sitting criss crossed on her bed. She had just gotten home from Debby's house after having dinner with her family, which had been pretty okay.  Jenna told Josh how Debby's parents were super sweet and accepting and how her older brother was super protective of her, but Jenna completely understood.

Josh felt a twinge of guilt for not telling her all of what had happened with Tyler. They were kind of personal, and he felt slightly uncomfortable spilling it all, even to Jenna but he felt like he owed her.

"I have some news about me and Tyler." Josh said quietly and Jenna oooooo'd over the other end.

"Tell me." Jenna said excitedly. You could hear her mattress squeak as she jumped on it a bit.

"We kinda made out after the first basketball game." Josh said and she gasped and squealed.

"Did you tell him that was your first kiss?" Jenna asked and Josh blushed a bit.

"No and I'm not gonna." Josh said embarrassed. He wasn't going to let Tyler know he was that much of a loser.

Suddenly his phone buzzed.

tylerrjoseph: I took your first kiss?! Josh I jerked you off in a Taco Bell bathroom stall and you had your first kiss the day before???

"Jenna!" Josh groaned as he read the text message and she laughed.

"All is fair in love and war." Jenna said and Josh sighed.

"I don't think that's what this means." Josh said and he could sense her shrugging over the phone, even though he couldn't see her. "Also he gave me a handjob in a Taco Bell bathroom stall."

"Wait what?!" Jenna screeched and Josh immediately hung up on her. Serves her right. He began texting Tyler back.

jishwa: yes okay fine you took my first kiss blah blah blah it's no big deal, I wouldn't have done anything I was uncomfortable with

tylerrjoseph: well alright. Are you sure? We can slow down, especially since you're not used to this

jishwa: I don't really want too

tylerrjoseph: me either


a/n: if any of you are reading summer Secret I am so sorry for the lack of updates on it, I'm just really lost on where else to go with it but I'll try to update it soon! Love you guys!

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