We're Gonna Be Okay (I Promise)

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Josh followed Kelly down the hallway and towards what he knew was Tyler's music room. She turned the knob, that still looked broken from Josh picking it, and walked inside.

Kelly stood in the middle of the room beside Tyler's piano, her manicured nails tapping rhythmically on sleek black surface.

"Let's talk about Tyler, Joshua." Kelly said after Josh closed the door, taking him by surprise.

"Um...okay." Josh said, shoving his hands in his pockets. He was picking at the skin around his thumbnail like crazy.

"Star athlete. Best on the team. Getting a full ride scholarship. One for his brother too. Then he comes and tells me he doesn't want to be an athlete, that he hates basketball. Funny enough that happened right around the time you came around." Kelly said and Josh swallowed.

"He confided in me. He hates basketball. I just told him he should do what he wants." Josh said and Kelly laughed.

"Tyler is a child, he doesn't know what he wants. Neither do you. Now that scene that just happened out there, I can pass it off as Tyler being intoxicated..." Kelly trailed off before staring at Josh dead in the eyes. "But I don't ever want to see you in this house after tonight do you understand?"

"Tyler isn't a child. He knows he doesn't want to play basketball. You know he doesn't." Josh spat at her irritatedly. He was done playing nice. "And sure I'll stay away from this house. Gives me the creeps anyways."

Kelly exhaled slowly before nodding. "Look I know you don't understand Joshua, but I want Tyler to have a bright future. I don't want him throwing away this scholarship for a flimsy music career." She said.

"He wants to be a professional musician?" Josh asked suddenly. Tyler hadn't told him about that, but Tyler also didn't tell him it was his birthday today.

"Worse. He wants to start a band." Kelly scoffed and Josh knitted his eyebrows together.

"He's pretty good at the piano." Josh said and Kelly's head snapped towards him.

"He let you hear him play?" Kelly said, her voice sounding hurt.

Josh swallowed. "It was by accident really." He said trying to cover.

"He doesn't let anyone in here. Always locks the door." Kelly said and crossed her arms. "Tyler trusts you. For the life of me I don't know why."

"Maybe cause he can actually tell me things." Josh said, still picking at his thumbnail.

"I don't have an issue with Tyler being gay. I've known he was gay for years, he couldn't hide it if he tried. I just think you're putting ideas into his head that aren't stable." Kelly said and Josh stopped picking at his nail once he saw blood seep around his cuticle.

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