Jingle Bells

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Josh kept picking at himself and he couldn't stop, not even with Tyler a few feet from him.
There were people everywhere, the whole damned place was packed. Well "damned" place was probably the wrong word for it, considering it was a church.

Josh swallowed and fixed the tie around his neck again, trying not to throw up all over whoever was in front of him.

Tyler had been walking around with his family, Josh being dragged behind him like a puppy on a leash. Josh just smiled politely and nodded whenever Tyler introduced him. Not that the introduced Josh as his boyfriend, but whatever.

"Josh? Josh."  Tyler said sternly, ripping the redhead from his very anxious thoughts.

"What?" Josh snapped a little too harshly at Tyler. The brunette raised his eyebrows and Josh immediately regretted his tone.

"Hey mom I'm gonna show Josh the bathrooms okay?" Tyler said and Kelly stopped talking to the family in front of them.

"Of course honey just be back before the service starts." Kelly said sweetly before Tyler gripped Josh's arm firmly, making him follow him down the hallway.

Josh's heart was pounding in his chest but slowly it regulated when they began waking further away from the group of people in the giant lobby. Tyler pulled him into the bathroom and Josh gasped for breathe, not noticing he'd beeen holding it.

"Christ Josh." Tyler said softly as he rubbed small circles into the redhead's back as his breathing normalized. "Tell me when you're having an anxiety attack okay?"

"I-I didn't even realize. It's just so many people." Josh said as he felt something cool press against his face. Tyler was running a damp paper towel over his forehead. "I feel like they're all judging me."

Tyler pursed his lips before sighing, because he knew they definitely were judging them. It was just how it was, but he didn't know how to tell Josh that.

"You gotta learn to ignore it baby." Tyler said gently stroking his thumb across Josh's face.

"I'm trying." Josh said softly and Tyler began regretting bringing him, mostly because it seemed to stress him out so much. Mostly he felt like a piece of shit for not listening when Josh said he didn't want to go.

"We can leave if you want." Tyler said and Josh swallowed a bit and nervously picked at his fingers. "What have I said about picking at yourself." Tyler tutted gently as he held Josh's hands, bringing them to his lips and kissing them softly.

"M'sorry." Josh said softly. Tyler grinned and kissed around Josh's wrist before pulling him into a close hug.

"Don't be, it's not your fault." Tyler said.

"I think I wanna stay." Josh said and Tyler looked at him surprised.

"You sure?" Tyler asked and Josh nodded. "Well alright baby." He said and Josh smiled a bit as they left the bathroom.

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