Ups and Downs

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⚠️there is sensitive topics in the chapter, such as abuse, cutting, and blood⚠️

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⚠️there is sensitive topics in the chapter, such as abuse, cutting, and blood⚠️

Josh sat in his seat, trying to pay attention to the history lesson being taught. He scribbled down his notes until a soft knock at the classroom door made everyone swivel their heads around.

"Tyler Joseph needs to come to Mrs. Stallings's office." A girl that Josh recognized as Hayley said. She had bright orange hair.

Josh glanced at Tyler worriedly as he got out of his seat, everyone oo'ing as if he was in trouble. What Josh didn't get is that Mrs. Stallings was only the vice principle, not Mr.Carter who was the head principle. Mrs. Stallings just took care of minor things and for the life of him Josh couldn't figure out why Tyler was being called to her office.

The door clicked shut, and Josh's eyes were the only ones that remained on the door.

Josh didn't see Tyler the rest of the day and it worried him, cause Tyler was Josh's ride home. He had driven him to school that morning, so he didn't bother bringing his bike.

The final bell rang and Josh walked to the parking lot, still hopeful. He stopped when he didn't see Tyler's car anywhere. Anxiety began to settle in as he realized he might have to walk home.

Josh nervously took his phone out and dialed Tyler's number. It immediately went to voicemail, causing Josh to start shaking. Tyler had forgotten him, and now he'd have to walk home.

Suddenly relief washed over him as he spotted Debby's car still in the lot. Her and Jenna still had cheerleading practice. He hurriedly went to the gym and exhaled happily when he saw the whole team in there, practicing their routine.

Josh climbed on the bleachers and waited until practice was over before approaching Jenna and Debby.

"Hey Debs can I get a ride home?" Josh asked and Jenna looked at him confusedly.

"Where's Tyler?" Jenna asked and Josh just shrugged. "Have you called him?"

Josh nodded. Debby pulled out her phone and tried calling Tyler for good measure, but stared at her phone as it went to voicemail.

"What happened?" Debby asked Josh and he shrugged again.

"I dunno. He got called to Mrs. Stallings's office and then he disappeared for the rest of the day." Josh said and both girls knitted their eyebrows together trying to figure out what happened.

"That's really weird. It's no problem to give you a ride home Josh." Debby said as she picked up her gym bag. Josh and Jenna followed Debby to her car and piled in.

The whole ride home Josh couldn't stop thinking about Tyler.


Josh was in the basement, beating the ever living shit out of his drums. He didn't understand, and his brain had already come up with every worse case scenario that it could. He couldn't breath. So when he couldn't breath, he played. He played really loud.

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